Page 24 - Tyrrells Chips
P. 24
1960 William Chase born on his father’s farm
1975 Chase begins work full-time on farm
1980 Chase borrows £200,000 to buy farm from father
1980- Chase spends 12 years struggling trying various businesses
1992 including, contracting, intensive beef and potatoes
1992 Chase declared personally bankrupt
1992 Chase buys farm back off receiver through limited company
1992 Chase begins trading potatoes mainly to large superstores
such as Tesco.
2001 Developing chip idea and researching its innovation
2002 First sale of chips
2004 Sells through Waitrose
2006 Tesco stocks Tyrrells through grey list
2006 Tyrrells successfully persuades Tesco not to stock products
2007 Potato Vodka plans begin: potatoes not selected for chips
used to produce vodka
B of S £5m Corporate Entrepreneur Challenge.
2008 Majority stake in the company sold to Langholm Capital for
2009 Red Sky premium crisps launched
2010 David Milner ( CEO & stakeholder) Joins management team
William Chase sells his remaining stake to Langholm Capital
April David Milner joins CEO
May Langholm acquires Bart Spices
2011 New advertising campaign
2012 Acquired Glennans
June Tyrrells win The Grocer Gold Award for exporter of the year.