P. 8
In addition the student learning process is reinforced through the
application of both major integrative case studies and cameo case
studies, self-evaluation e-question banks, flashcard self-testing
supporting articles, lecturer’s instruction pack.
Resource Description
The focus of Strategic Management is the formulation and
implementation of business strategies. A cursory review of the
business or financial pages of any quality newspaper confirms that
some organisations are more effective at this task than others. This
resource will help you understand why this is the case.
Strategic Management differs from many other subjects because it is a
cap stone subject which is integrative by nature. It gives you the
opportunity to incorporate material from all the other subject areas and
to use this to support your assessment of different business situations.
1: Gives you an opportunity to deploy the knowledge and practice the
skills which you have developed
2: Gives you the opportunity to develop and practice skills of analysis
of complex business and organisational situations.
3: Introduces a limited range of broad concepts of strategy, analysis
and organisational development which will help you to accomplish
(1) and (2) and which it is hoped will help you to be more effective
in your future work situations.
The method employed within the resource is to concentrate on the
analysis of the problems revealed in a variety of business case situations.
These have been selected and developed in order to give you a
challenging and rewarding experience in trying to analyse them, and to