Page 4 - sustainable tourism-- Dr.Aya
P. 4
billion by 2030. The sector currently accounts
for 5% of direct global GDP, 30% of the
world‘s services exports and generates one in
12 jobs worldwide (UNWTO, 2013).
UNWTO data (2012) highlights that
international tourist arrivals (overnight
visitors) worldwide exceeded the 1 billion
mark for the first time ever in 2012, with 1,035
million tourists crossing borders, up from 995
million in 2011. Asia and the Pacific recorded
the strongest growth with a 7% increase in
arrivals, followed by Africa (+6%) and the
Americas (+5%). International tourist arrivals
in Europe, the most visited region in the
world, were up by 3%. International tourism
receipts reached US$ 1,075 billion worldwide
in 2012, up from US$ 1,042 billion in 2011.
According to UNWTO long-term forecast for
Tourism towards 2030, • between 2010 and
2030, arrivals in emerging destinations (+4.4%
a year) are expected to increase at double the
pace of that in advanced economies (+2.2% a
year). • the market share of emerging
economies increased from 30% in 1980 to
47% in 2012, and is expected to reach 57% by