Page 5 - sustainable tourism-- Dr.Aya
P. 5

2030, equivalent to over 1 billion international

                                    tourist arrivals.

                                    Tourism is  increasingly considered an engine

                                    for  economic  development.  Also,  tourism  is

                                    growing fastest in the developing world. This

                                    is of importance because it is in those regions

                                    where governments may not have the means—

                                    or  the  priorities—to  regulate  and  enforce

                                    legislation  for  environmental  protection  as

                                    tourism develops. Also it is important to note

                                    that hospitality industry is also a big consumer

                                    of  energy  and  a  large  deployed  of  water  and

                                    generator  of  waste  as  well.  It  is  pertinent  to

                                    look  at  different  aspects  of  hospitality  and

                                    tourism  so  that  resource  consumption  can  be

                                    optimized  and  also  impacts  on  environment

                                    can  be  minimized.  There  has  to  be  an

                                    understanding  of  issues  across  various

                                    divisions  of  hospitality  and  tourism  sector.

                                    Hotels  constitute  an  important  segment  of

                                    hospitality and tourism sector.

                                    As  cities  get  developed,  the  rate  of

                                    urbanization  is  bound  to  increase.  There  will

                                    be migration of people from villages to urban

                                    areas especially in emerging economies. There

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