Page 7 - sustainable tourism-- Dr.Aya
P. 7

tourism  to  poverty  reduction  and  economic

                                    development,          especially       in     developing

                                    countries.  At  the  same  time,  tourism  also

                                    contributes to global warming. It is estimated

                                    that tourism accounts for approximately 5% of

                                    global carbon emissions (UNWTO, 2013). The

                                    same report also shares the breakup of carbon

                                    emissions  as  well.  Of  this  5%,  40%  of

                                    emissions  are  contributed  by  air  transport,

                                    32% by car transport, 21% by accommodation,

                                    4%  by  activities,  and  3%  by  others

                                    (UNWTOUNEP                Climate        Change         and

                                    Tourism, 2008).


                                    Water is a scarce resource and with increased

                                    urbanization  and  wastages,  it  will  even  be  a

                                    scarcer commodity. Jauhari and Wasan (2014)

                                    have  discussed  that  lack  of  access  to  clean

                                    water and sanitation is a problem that affects

                                    large number of people. Ground water, which

                                    is  a  major  source  of  fresh  water,  has  an

                                    average  renewal  cycle  of  1400  years.  Water

                                    being a public good should be made available

                                    to all rather than a privilege of few on account

                                    of their paying capacity.

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