Page 10 - WVPC 2018 Annual
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Poison Center

      Director & Medical Directors

                                                              The clinical and medical directors are responsible for
                                                              ensuring that:
         The WVPC Clinical and Medical Directors
                                                               There is 24 hour a day availability of clinical and
         are the only board cer fied clinical and
                                                                  medical toxicology consulta ve services for health
         medical toxicologists in West Virginia. The
                                                                  care professionals and WVPC Poison Specialists.
         Lead Medical Director and back‐up medical
         directors are also board cer fied in                   All recommenda ons provided by the WVPC are
                                                                  based on the best, current, evidence‐based prac ce
         emergency medicine.
                                                               Health care professional educa on in clinical/
                                                                  medical toxicology in WV is provided.

                                    Health Professional Educa on

        Supervised experience in the WV Poison Center:

                Doctor of Pharmacy Students (5 weeks each)                 4

        Number of academic, con nuing educa on (CE) presenta ons           9

        Number of toxicology lectures given (3rd year medical students)    5

        Hours of didac c/laboratory instruc on WVU School of Pharmacy 42

        N  a     o  n  a  l     m  e  e     n  g     p  r  e  s  e  n  t  a     o  n  s                       1

        Hours of didac c instruc on for other ins tu ons                   2

        Hours of emergency medicine resident instruc on                    6

        West Virginia Poison Center Annual Report 2018                                                                                                            Page 10
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