Page 7 - WVPC 2018 Annual
P. 7

Qualifica ons of Staff Answering Poison

                                             Center Calls

                Medical experts (doctors, pharmacists, and nurses) with specialized training in

                the recogni on and management of poisonings/overdoses from drugs, toxins,
                    venoms, chemicals, plants/mushrooms, radia on, and other substances

                                                                    Cer fied Specialists in Poison Informa on
                                                                    (CSPIs), have extensive experience and
                                                                    training in the area of toxicology and must
                                                                    pass a na onal poison specialist examina on.
                                                                    Maintenance of cer fica on requires
                                                                    reexamina on and proof on con nued full‐
                                                                     me employment as a CSPI.

                             What types of resources are used?

          Trained and experienced medical experts

          Computer based databases for product based informa on

          On‐line databases for specific toxin types

          An up‐to‐date comprehensive toxicology library (print and on‐line)

          Mul ple toxicology text books (updated yearly)

          Specialty consultants

          Internet based resources

          Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s)

        West Virginia Poison Center Annual Report 2018                                                                                                            Page 7
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