Page 134 - Mentoring
P. 134
ْ ۤ ذ
ٓ ذ
ْ ذ
ذ ذ
ْ ٓ
ُ كدابع
نم ُ للا ُ مذنْْغي ُ ءارَُق ف او نوك َّ ْ ْ نا ُ ي ُْ ۗ ُ كىاَمذاو ْ ذ َ ن ُ م ُْ ذ ذ ُ يحلصلاو ُ كْنم ىٓميٰلا اوحكْنَاو
َ َ
ذ ذ
ۗ ل ْ ضَف
: 32 ) رونلا ( ُ يلَع ُساو ُ للاو ُذ
And marry the people who are still among you, and also the worthy (married) of the servants of your men,
the male and the female. If they are poor, God will give them ability with his gifts. And Allah Mahaluas (his
gift), omniscient. (QS. 24:32)