Page 21 - Property Summary Guardian Place 1 12 2022 Reduced File - With Cover Pages
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1/10/2022 11:45 AM
Rent Roll
Guardian Place LP (9610op)
As Of = 10/31/2021
Month Year = 10/2021
Unit Unit Type Unit Resident Name Market Actual Resident Other Move In Lease Move Out Balance
Sq Ft Rent Rent Deposit Deposit Expiration
305 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0022310 William McGrath 684.00 726.00 400.00 0.00 08/12/2021 08/31/2022 0.00
306 110_GP1 552.00 t0022179 Katrina Covington 838.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 05/18/2021 05/31/2022 0.00
307 110_GP1 552.00 t0009232 Ann Stott 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 08/06/2011 08/31/2022 0.00
308 110_GP1 552.00 t0009233 Ethel Thomas 854.00 888.00 400.00 0.00 11/30/2015 11/30/2022 0.00
309 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0021510 Jorge Serrano 671.00 712.00 400.00 0.00 01/11/2021 01/31/2022 0.00
310 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0022614 Anna West 684.00 726.00 400.00 0.00 08/27/2021 08/31/2022 0.00
311 110_GP1 552.00 t0010987 Ronald Cale 854.00 888.00 400.00 0.00 10/29/2018 10/31/2022 0.00
312 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0009236 Mary Manning 684.00 712.00 300.00 0.00 01/30/2016 01/31/2022 0.00
313 110_GP1 552.00 t0009237 Dorothy Baldwin 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 07/01/2016 06/30/2022 0.00
314 110_GP1 552.00 t0009238 Isabel Sluder 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 06/09/2017 06/30/2022 0.00
315 22B_GP1 816.00 t0009239 Deborah Henders 999.00 1,059.00 400.00 0.00 07/30/2010 07/31/2022 0.00
316 STH_GP1 408.00 t0009240 Terry Lehew 684.00 712.00 400.00 0.00 11/30/2011 11/30/2022 0.00
317 11H_GP1 552.00 t0021399 Wanda Murphy 854.00 888.00 400.00 0.00 11/24/2020 11/30/2022 236.00
318 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0009242 Gypsy Dovell 684.00 712.00 400.00 0.00 10/31/2014 10/31/2022 0.00
319 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0009243 Phillip Jackson 684.00 726.00 400.00 0.00 06/30/2007 06/30/2022 0.00
320 110_GP1 552.00 t0009244 Doris Peterson 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 07/29/2016 07/31/2022 0.00
321 110_GP1 552.00 t0009529 Olga Anderson 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 03/01/2018 02/28/2022 0.00
322 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0021931 Elizabeth Elam 684.00 726.00 400.00 0.00 03/29/2021 03/31/2022 16.00
323 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0009247 Mary Miller 684.00 726.00 400.00 0.00 05/01/2007 04/30/2022 0.00
324 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0009248 Edward Pillow 684.00 726.00 400.00 0.00 08/10/2016 08/31/2022 0.00
325 110_GP1 552.00 t0009249 Cynthia Ballard 838.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 07/14/2017 07/31/2022 0.00
326 110_GP1 552.00 t0020537 Ella Martin 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 07/15/2020 07/31/2022 57.00
327 22A_GP1 816.00 t0017056 Agnes Hicks 999.00 1,059.00 400.00 0.00 05/30/2019 05/31/2022 0.00
328 110_GP1 552.00 t0009252 Lillian Williams 854.00 888.00 400.00 0.00 02/27/2014 02/28/2022 0.00
330 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0021264 DebraAnn Taylor 684.00 712.00 400.00 0.00 10/30/2020 10/31/2022 1,424.00
332 110_GP1 552.00 t0009254 Nan Gleaton 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 02/12/2009 02/28/2022 0.00
401 22A_GP1 816.00 t0017404 Ethel Dandridge 999.00 1,059.00 400.00 0.00 09/09/2019 09/30/2022 0.00
402 110_GP1 552.00 t0022311 Florence Bailey 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 08/02/2021 08/31/2022 0.00
403 110_GP1 552.00 t0009257 David Wilson 854.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 04/01/2006 03/31/2022 0.00
404 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0009258 Florence Tennesse 684.00 712.00 400.00 0.00 11/28/2015 11/30/2022 0.00
405 ST1_GP1 408.00 t0009259 Terri Martin 684.00 726.00 250.00 0.00 06/27/2016 06/30/2022 -150.00
406 110_GP1 552.00 t0021932 Veronica White 838.00 906.00 400.00 0.00 05/10/2021 05/31/2022 25.00
407 110_GP1 552.00 t0009261 David Elsea 838.00 888.00 400.00 0.00 01/14/2017 01/31/2022 0.00
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