Page 148 - Guardian Broker Questionnaire Summary Complete Package 2 2 22_Neat
P. 148

        M3 - MANAGEMENT

        CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD ASSET SERVICES                                                                                                   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD MULTIFAMILY
                                                                                                                                             MANAGEMENT PLATFORM

                                                 Key Observations:                            Outcome:
                                                    »  C&W currently manage Class A asset in Maryland     »  Contract purchaser utilized C&W advice and   APARTMENT HOMES
                                                    suburbs formerly managed by Bozzuto.         implemented controllable expense savings up
                                                    »  Engaged C&W Asset Services early to determine   to 20%. Based on investor underwriting pricing
                                                    potential controllable expense savings.      represents further cap rate compression for
                                                    »  Identified potential 20% controllable expense   suburban core.                        4500
         The Upton | Rockville, MD                  savings.
         263 Units
         Owner: Comstock                                                                                                                     TEAM MEMBERS STRONG
         Management: Bozzuto

                                                 Key Observations:                            Outcome:                                       32
                                                    »  From time of BOV presentation to initial offers,     »  In-spite of rise in interest rates, C&W
                                                    interest rate environment expanded 50 BPS.   achieved BOV pricing in the low 4% cap      STATES + WASHINGTON DC
                                                    »  Income underwriting heavily proforma based   rate (PF). Proforma expense reduction and
                                                    assuming return to normalcy in rent growth,   normalized income was underwritten based
                                                    concessions, & vacancy.                      on economic recovery which was beginning to
                                                    »  By utilizing expense comps, additional value was   be demonstrated in property operations.  +190
         Modera Fairfax Ridge | Fairfax, VA         derived by adjusting operating expenses.
         213 Units
         Owner: Mill Creek                                                                                                                   VALUED CLIENTS
         Management: Mill Creek

                                                 Key Observations:                            Outcome:                                       +800
                                                    »  Property was running two leasing agents during     »  The Client utilized C&W controllable expense
                                                    stabilization which ran the expense to $3,000/unit.   advice and implemented the expense savings
                                                    »  C&W utilized expense comps in the area and were   to the property.                    PROPERTIES MANAGED
                                                    able to decrease this number substantially in the
                                                    »  Market expense for this Property was projected                                        3RD
         4040 Wilson | Arlington, VA                $300/unit less than the controllable expense on the
         250 Units                                  T-12.
         Owner: The Shooshan Company                                                                                                         ON NMHC TOP 50
         Management: Bozzuto

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