Page 143 - Guardian Broker Questionnaire Summary Complete Package 2 2 22_Neat
P. 143

04             MARKETING PROCESS                                                                                                                                                GUARDIAN PLACE


        TIMEFRAME                                      PROCESS                                         MARKETING MATERIALS                     PROPERTY FLYER & OFFERING MEMORANDUM

                                                                                                       Our marketing process is based upon the maxim that
                                          PREPARATION/MARKETING MATERIALS                              “competition beats negotiation”. Our goal is to expose
                                               »  Data Collection / Due Diligence Organization         the site to a comprehensive list of potential partners
                                                                                                       and to create an orderly, effective competitive bidding
            2-3 WEEKS                              »  Branding / Marketing / Aerials                   environment to achieve the most attractive deal
                                                »  Flyer / Offering Memorandum Creation
                                                                                                       structure for the site.

                                                   MARKETING PERIOD                                    DATABASE DRIVEN EMAIL
                                     »  C&W Proprietary Prospect List    »  Call Campaign                                                                CUSTOM ONLINE LISTING
               4-6 WEEKS
                                     »  E-Blast Campaign          »  Face-to-Face Meetings
                                     »  Property Tours            »  International Outreach

                                            FINALIST INTERVIEW/NEGOTIATION

                                                    »  Determine and mitigate risks
                   1-2 WEEKS                 »  Negotiate key points of JV and lender agreements

                                                                                                       THE MARKETING PROCESS WILL INCLUDE:
                                                                                                          »  The Flyer highlighting the investment opportunity will include project photograph(s), an aerial photograph or map, and major
                                                     DUE DILLIGENCE                                       bullets points highlighting the strengths of project. Along with the Flyer, we send a confidentiality agreement.
                     4-8 WEEKS               »  Liaison with attorneys, consultants, principal and        »  Once confidentiality agreements are returned, full Offering Memorandum are presented to the interested investors. The Offering
                                                      manage due diligence                                Memorandum is a comprehensive document, which includes project information, market overview, photographs, and comps.
                                                                                                          »  We will follow up by telephone or in person with all likely buyers, whether they have returned the confidentiality letter or not, to
                                                                                                          determine their level of interest in the site. We continually strive to identify and solicit additional partners, based upon information
                                                                                                          we gather about new entrants to the market, who did not succeed in purchasing another property or who is looking for a tax-
                                                  CLOSING                                                 »  deferred exchange property.
                                                                                                          Team members will arrange and escort prospects on all tours.
                                                                                                          »  The opportunity will also be posted on Cushman and Wakefield’s Multifamily Website.

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