Page 7 - Guardian Broker Questionnaire Summary Complete Package 2 2 22_Neat
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Broker Questionnaire

 Location  Similar Properties Sold   Pricing, Timing & Fees  LITHC Comments  Other Options  Sales Method
 Range  Stretch Price   Timing  Fees  Partial Sale  Ground Lease

 Aclaim at Carriage Hill 2019- 664 Units      Aggressive $29.9M            $29.9M  February 15th – Marketing  If GP I and GP II   The expiration of the affordable   The benefits of currently marketing   We do not downplay the   Colliers would run a traditional marketing
 Overture (VA Beach) 2021- 172 Units       Target $27.3M            - Execute the listing   are sold   component at Guardian Place I in   both properties are significant. Buyers   advantages of a ground   process. The overall timing is typically 19-21
 Manchester Grand 2019- 45 Units               Conservative $25.3M  agreement and prepare   together to one   coming years allows a buyer to begin   have a very desirable and favorable   lease scenario for current   weeks from execution of Listing Agreement to
 Northpointe (Danville VA) 2018- 168   marketing materials   buyer, our fee   implementing a value-add strategy that   lending environment with interest rates   ownership and this will be   Closing. While we do not publish an “offer
 Units  including email “eblasts” and   would equal   will ultimately result in more aggressive   still at historically low levels. Financing   completely vetted out during   price,” we do provide a “whisper price” or
 Offering memorandum  1.25% of the   pricing for ownership. Our execution   is also diverse as buyers may utilize   the marketing period. We do   guidance number. This guidance number is “at
 March 1st – Official Property   gross purchase   strategy and underwriting notes for   many competitive debt instruments   see this potentially limiting the   or near” the target price to entice as many offers
 Launch  price at closing.  Guardian Place I show a timeline of   including fixed, floating rate, and bridge   buyer pool and believe a   as possible. This leads to competitive rounds of
 March 1st – April 12th – Six   If GP I and GP II   converting current affordable units to   lending that leads to higher yields for   traditional execution will   bidding, essentially creating an auction-style
 Week Marketing Period  are sold   market rate over a four-year period. A   the buyer and more aggressive pricing   attract broader investor   process.
 April 12th – Call for Offers   separately, our   buyer will invest significant capital to   for the seller.  interest.
 Date  fee would equal   upgrade interiors, add property
 April 22nd – Best & Final   1.5% of the   amenities, and enhance the curb
 Offers Due  gross purchase   appeal of the property, increasing
 April 25th – Buyer is   price at closing.  rents and providing attractive returns
 Charles Wentworth  Selected  for new ownership. Unlike most
 Garrison Gore       May 9th – Purchase and   traditional value-add, market-rate
 Richmond, VA  Sale Agreement is Executed   opportunities, this execution strategy
 and Due Diligence begins  will take extended time as a new buyer
 June 9th – Due Diligence   will anticipate lower overall turnover
 Expires  rates at the property particularly in the
 July 9th – Closing Date  early years. The three year “lockout”
   period following the extended use
   period will also delay the renovation
 Closed on 2,776 Units in Richmond   Aggressive $28.685M           $28.685M  The total time between   We are   Traditional investors in “market rate”   Both assets are highly desirable and   The only benefit would be to   We conduct a blind auction process where we
 MSA totalling $457.5MM in aggregate   Target $27.084M            marketing and selecting a   comfortable with   multifamily are competing for LIHTC   would be well received in the market no   create a long term income   market the assets through e-blasts, phone calls,
 value  Base $25.667M  buyer is typically 7-8 weeks.    a variety of   properties as a way to compete in the   matter when they were sold.  Because   stream back to UMFS but this   and investor tours for approximately 4-6 weeks.
 This is broken down as 5   commission   overheated investment market.  These   of the differences we would   would be at the expense of   After marketing we call for an initial round of
 weeks marketing/touring the   structures   investors will purchase the assets and   recommend putting both to market at   up front value of the   offers followed by a best and final round of
 property until initial offers.  1   including a fixed   remain compliant with the affordability   the same time as a portfolio with the   buildings.  There are less   offers.  We typically conduct buyer interview
 week between initial offers   percentage of   through the extended use period and   optionality of acquiring one or both.    groups who buy assets on a   calls with C&W, UMFS and the top groups after
 and best & final offers.  3-7   the total sales   either sell the asset to a group to   This allows groups who want to realize   ground lease than those who   the B&F round so UMFS can get acclimated
 days between best and final   price or   increase the rents to “market rate” or   the mark to market strategy or re-  buy fee simple transactions,   with who the groups are, their plans, capital, etc.
 offers and buyer interviews.    incentivized   do this themselves.  Traditional   syndicate the credits immediately the   either because they cannot   Typically we give a final counter to the group
 3-7 days between buyer   structure with a   “market rate” investors will purchase   ability to with Guardian Place I only.    (investment capital raised   UMFS decides they want to do business with to
 interviews and selecting a   larger   Guardian Place I specifically to do this   The deal size for both assets   predicated on fee simple   try to extract more purchase price, terms or both
 buyer.  C&W can expedite   percentage over   given the timing of the expiration of   (individually and as a portfolio) is very   purchases only) or will not   after the buyer interview.  The market is very
 the process to meet the   a pricing target.    extended use period.  There are many   attractive for a variety of capital types.    because of the nuance.  In   competitive and there are groups who will want
 T J Liberto  timing needs of UMFS   For a fixed   investors that purchase only LIHTC or   Larger investors will only be interested   our experience the cap rate is   to take the property off the market either before
 Tyson's Corner  accordingly.  percentage we   affordable properties and these groups   in the two properties together and   reduced by 25bps – 35bps if   or during the process.  The process yields the
 would propose   would be involved in the process as   having groups interested in individual   a property is being sold   most in price but achieving an acceptable value
 1.5% of the total   well.  These groups will purchase the   assets will add competition to portfolio   subject to a ground lease,   without having to run a full marketing also has
 sales price.  If   assets to re-syndicate the tax credits at   purchasers.  Maximizing the amount of   which in this example would   benefits to certain owners.  C&W can discuss in
 you would prefer   the expiration of the extended use   groups engaged to purchase the   also be applied to a lower   more detail the pros and cons of this strategy
 an incentivized   period.    asset(s) through optionality will   NOI that would take into   should UMFS want to entertain or be interested
 structure we can        enhance the overall buyer pool, create   account the expense of the   in this structure.
 discuss what            additional competition and yield more   new ground lease.
 that would be.          in price.
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