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4. 9. Koeshendrajana, S. 2019. Demographic change in fishing
communities of Indonesia. Presentation at the NACA/FAO
5. Zen, F. 2017. Wither social protection and human Workshop on demographic changes in fishing
development in an integrating ASEAN? In Baviera, A. and communities, 6-7 November 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
Maramis, L. 2017. ASEAN@50. Volume 4. Building ASEAN
Community: Political-Security and Socio-cultural 10. Shakeel, H. 2019. Demographic changes in Maldives
Reflections, pp. 337-345. Economic Research Institute for fishing communities. Presentation at the NACA/FAO
ASEAN and East Asia. Workshop on demographic changes in fishing
communities, 6-7 November 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
6. FAO. 2018. Dynamic development, shifting demographics, 11. Than, M.M. and Naing, Y.P. 2019. Demographic changes
changing diets. Bangkok. 172 p. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA in fishing communities in Myanmar. Presentation at the
3.0 IGO. NACA/FAO Workshop on demographic changes in fishing
communities, 6-7 November 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
7. Punyaratabandhu, G.G. 2019. Desk study on demographic
changes in fishing communities and implications on 12. Kusakabe, K. 2019. Study on demographic changes in
fisheries and social development of fishing communities. fishing communities in Cambodia and Thailand.
Presentation at the NACA/FAO Workshop on demographic Presentation at the NACA/FAO Workshop on demographic
changes in fishing communities, 6-7 November 2019, changes in fishing communities, 6-7 November 2019,
Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand.
8. Parappurathu, S. 2019. Demographic changes in fishing 13. Tietze, U., Groenewold, G. and A. Marcoux. 2000.
communities in India. Presentation at the NACA/FAO Demographic change in coastal fishing communities and
Workshop on demographic changes in fishing its implications for the coastal environment. FAO Fisheries
communities, 6-7 November 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. Technical Paper, No. 403. Rome, FAO.
Susana V. Siar is a Fishery and Aquaculture Officer at the Food Dr Kyoko Kusakabe is a professor of Gender and
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Development Studies at Department of Development
Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand. She is and Sustainability, School of Environment Resources and
a social scientist and her area of work includes small-scale Development, Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand. Her
fisheries, particularly on the human dimension and stakeholder research focus is on gender and labor migration and has
participation. researched in fishing communities for a number of years.
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INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●