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Precise and quick fish injections Stunning device for humane slaughter
The FishGuide is an accessory which can be fitted on to an An electric stunning device is on the market for fish farmers
injection device to provide for correct needle positioning to use in the slaughter of fish in a more humane manner. The
while injecting fishes. It is said to reduce fish wounds and Humane Stunner Universal (HSU) is a water-filled pipe lined
protect users from possible injuries. with electrodes, where fish pumped through the pipe are
immediately rendered unconscious by the electricity in the
The Humane Stunner
Universal brought the
company to the final round
in the Global Aquaculture
Alliance’s recent annual
Global Aquaculture
Recommended for injecting small to mid-size fish species, Innovation Award.
three FishGuide sizes may be installed and removed easily
by hand. It fits self-refilling syringes ranging up to 0.5 ml (the Each HSU is designed for different locations: beside cages, on
Socorex original 187 or Socorex ultra 1810 models) which are boats or barges, or on land, the size varying according to the
marketed as being robust and reliable. Made with stainless
steel and copper threads, the FishGuide can be positioned location.
over 360° on the syringe to select the best working position, Manufacturer: Aceaquatec (
and their shape can be modified to adapt any fish size.
Ultrasound for control of sea lice
Manufacturer: Socorex, Switzerland (
Automated fish counters
Sea lice are a major
problem in salmon farms,
causing extensive losses
Credit: BBC every year.
The company that has come up with an ultrasound device to
control Chilean sea lice (Caligus rogercresseyi) infestations
in salmon farming was one of the finalists in the Global
Credit : VAKI Aquaculture Alliance’s annual Global Aquaculture Innovation
Award for 2014. It announced that in trials, the application
The Channel Counter is particularly useful during splitting, grading operations of ultrasound underwater, directly in fish pens, has a lethal
or lice treatment, as it provides critical data on the number of fish in each effect on juvenile stages of the sea lice, but not on the salmon
size group.
or other animals due to the low power and frequency of 20
KHz per transmitter.
VAKI has an extensive range of counters for use in aquaculture
systems like pens and cages. Using a scanning camera and It is estimated that losses due to sea lice infestations in the
computer vision, all images of fish moving through the Chilean salmon farming industry have been around US$300
scanning area are recorded. Custom software is used to million (EUR 235 million) per year since 2009. According
analyse and count each image with an almost 100% accuracy to the company, there have been reductions in the sea lice
rate. population of 30—50% per fish after using the ultrasound
Manufacturer: VAKI Aquaculture Systems Ltd, Iceland
( Manufacturer: USONIC Ltda, Chile
INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●