Page 73 - ii_3_2020
P. 73
Casablanca INFOPECHE
Industry Notes: Harvesting
Network (FIN) Making fish a regular part of school meals in
Latin America
An FAO TCP project to promote the inclusion of fish out, one at a school in the interior, and the other at
in school meals in three Latin American countries, a school on the coast. Peru has a well-organized
Honduras, Peru, and Angola, concluded at the school meals programme (Qaliwarma), but fish is
end of last year with the formulation of national not frequently included in the school menu in some
strategies to ensure school meals include more areas of the country. In the project, Peru developed
fish. The final workshop to discuss the results of its strategy to make sure every school in the country
the project was organized by FAO in collaboration could include fish on its menu. Two low cost fish
with INFOPESCA in Punta del Este, Uruguay. products based on Peruvian anchovy were tested
Twenty-five people from nine Latin American among school children, a salted/dried product
countries, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and a canned product based on shredded whole
Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, gutted anchovy. Both products had a high level of
The FISH INFONetwork (FIN) participated in this meeting, while Angola, which is acceptability. More than 90% indicated they liked the
consists of seven independent part of the project, could not attend. The meeting whole shredded anchovy very much.
partners who cover all aspects of post- was opened by the Andrés Domingo, Director of
harvest fisheries and aquaculture. Fifty DINARA, Graciela Pereira, Executive Director of The remaining participating countries presented their
national governments have signed inter- INFOPESCA and Jogeir Toppe, Reporting Officer, school feeding programmes and proposed ideas as
national agreements with the different FAO. to how fish could become an essential part of these
FIN services and are using the expertise
of these services to develop the fishery diets. The importance of convincing parents was
sector worldwide. Honduras reported that all the activities stipulated highlighted as part of the strategy. Buying locally
in the project had been completed and that a clear and supporting small scale fishermen was also
The FIN pages are a regular feature in the strategy on the inclusion of fish in school meals suggested as a means to support local economies
four network magazines had been drawn up. Two pilot tests were carried and ensure long term solutions.
- INFOFISH International,
- INFOPESCA Internacional, FAO brief: How COVID-19’s impact on fisheries and
- EUROFISH Magazine aquaculture can be mitigated
- INFOSAMAK Magazine
They present the FIN-wide spectrum of As with other sectors of the global economy,
activities, showing actions and results. fisheries and aquaculture are also affected by
The FIN has more than 70 full-time staff the spread of COVID-19. Producers, processors,
and works with more than one hundred traders, and consumers both directly and indirectly
international experts in all fields of fisheries. feel the impact of the virus, the consequences of
Through its link from FAO GLOBEFISH to which, particularly for populations that depend
the FAO Fisheries Department, it also has heavily on seafood for food security and nutrition,
access to the latest information and knowl- can be severe. FAO has therefore released a brief
edge on fisheries policy and management on how COVID-19 is affecting the fisheries and
issues worldwide. aquaculture sector and suggested measures to
support the different players in the supply chain.
The execution of multilateral and bilateral Production, for instance, may suffer from the companies must face. COVID-19 is also likely
projects is one of the main activities of the imposition of sanitary measures on board that to have an impact on fisheries management and
network. It is also widely known for its range
of publications and periodicals as well as make fishing difficult, crews may not be able to policy as stock assessments, fisheries observer
for the organisation of international confer- join their vessels due to travel restrictions, and programmes, and science and management
ences, workshops and training seminars. All the necessary supplies of bait or ice may not be meetings may be postponed or cancelled.
eight services offer different possibilities for available. In addition, demand in some countries Measures to support the different elements in the
co-operation with the private sector, insti- has fallen as a result of unfounded perceptions supply chain extend from expanding government
tutes, government offices and donors. about links between COVID-19 and seafood. purchases of seafood to maintain demand and
Aquaculture production is affected by the closure prevent a slump in prices, through extending
For more information on the FISH of markets, the shutdown of the HORECA sector, credit and microfinance facilities to fish farmers to
INFONetwork visit the website and restrictions on flights and cargo movements. ensuring smooth passage of goods at ports, rail In the processing sector issues with cross border terminals, and at border crossings. The complete
transport, uncertain supply of raw materials, and brief is available at
market restriction are among the challenges card/en/c/ca8637en
INFOFISH International 4/2016 ●
II3 20 May June 1p bt.indd 1 15/04/2020 17:20:32