Page 10 - Dec 2020 Jan 2021 Traveler
P. 10

Scrip Program

          This gift card fundraising program will take

          orders in December because you enjoy us-
          ing this for your gift card Christmas shop-
          ping.  Orders will be due on December 6 .
          You order can be dropped off at church in

          the mailbox that is on front of the building or
          put in Shannon’s church mailbox inside.

          This fundraiser gives Trinity’s youth a per-                           by Durand’s Mural
          centage of every card sold.  Money is split                  Saturday, December 13th at noon

          between youth group activity expenses and
          the National Youth Gathering.

          These gift cards are a great way to shop for
          gifts without going in a store, paying for pur-
          chases while there is a coin shortage and

          using them in those self-check registers
          that won’t take cash.
                                                                       Need a volunteer….

          Order forms are available…                                   The small refrigerator in the

                                                                       sacristy needs to be defrosted

                  in the narthex at Trinity and on                     so that it can be unplugged.

                                                                       It isn’t being used  at this time.
              Trinity’s website using the link below

                                                                       Let the office know if you can

                                                                       do this.

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