Page 9 - Dec 2020 Jan 2021 Traveler
P. 9
Quick Notes From Council
Trinity’s claim was once again denied for recent hail/wind damage. Determination as to how
to proceed will resume once the denial letter from the insurance company arrives.
Snow removal will be adjusted to cover only days that have meetings, etc. scheduled
at the church.
The Budget Team has begun meeting.
There has been no movement on the possibility of sharing pastoral leadership with two
Rockford congregations.
A few pledge cards have been turned in.
The Durand Ecumenical Council is undertaking a monumental challenge of starting a
necessary food pantry program in Durand.
The Nominating team is still in need of volunteers to be on the 2021 Nominating Team as
well as three volunteers to attend the Synod Assembly in June. Larry Judd has said he will
again be on the Nominating Team.
Because of the holidays the next Council meeting will be moved earlier to Dec. 15 .
Readers are needed
Are you interested in coming to church
on Thursday morning when Pr. Kenyon
can record you reading the lessons for
Sunday’s service?
Contact the church office if you would like
to help with this.