Page 2 - October 2020 Traveler
P. 2

This newsletter is a publication of:

                 Trinity Lutheran Church

                     15585 Durand Road

                           PO Box 627

                       Durand, IL 61024

                          815-248-2311                                         A congregation of

                                                                 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

            Website:                                 Northern Illinois Synod

                                                                          Photos on cover show
                   INSIDE THIS ISSUE
                                                                              Sunday School’s

                                                                                    Rally Day

             From the Minister’s Desk…       4-5
                                                                         Each family had their own

                                                                          socially distanced table.

             Christian Education                     6-7

                                                                   Hope, Love, Faith, and Peace rocks

             What’s Happening at Trinity     8-12                   were created and placed outside
                                                                        around the church building.

                                      Please remember those who are ill or

                                        otherwise in need of our prayers:

              Greg Steward, Tanya Brown, Elizabeth Simpson, Martin Honer, Charlie West,

                         Carrie Wassler, Angie Massey, Shari Willer, Beverly Preston,

                               Elaine Hodgson, Dottie Rogala, and Janet Hansen.

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