Page 5 - October 2020 Traveler
P. 5

Thank you to individuals whom I’ve apologized to for misunderstandings and being

         willing to talk with me so we could work through the misunderstanding.  You know
         who you are!   Thank you for engaging in the healthy communication so we worked
         through our differences and accepting my apology. You helped me grow.

         And thank you Trinity for allowing me to serve as your SAM…thank you for your pa-
         tience when I “messed up” during worship, became distracted and forgot some words.

         I tend to be hard on myself, but you understood and overlooked it.

          I will take all these good memories with me along with the “growth” opportunities I ex-
         perienced through our synod.  I love learning and have had my eyes opened by vari-
         ous theologians, rostered pastors, Bishop Clements and our synod staff especially my

         supervisor, Pastor Pat.

         My prayers for Trinity will continue…I pray the congregation can begin to support your
         Council.  I hope members will begin to talk with Council when there are concerns and
         thank them for their dedication; you have elected them as your leaders, please be
         supportive. I pray that committing to Evangelism and Stewardship will now become

         forefront of your thinking so Trinity can begin to grow. I pray that you can now focus
         on Trinity’s mission statement of ‘Growing in Christ, Sharing God’s Word Through
         Worship and Service.’

         My prayers are with you as Trinity now moves into another transition with a part time

         temporary interim pastor, Pastor Tim Kenyon.  Blessings and peace as I leave you
         with one of my favorite prayers:

         O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending,
         by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to do your work with
         good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand through the power

         of the Holy Spirit is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our
         Lord. Amen.

         God be with you,


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