Page 4 - October 2020 Traveler
P. 4

As I begin to write my last article for the Traveler, I’m filled with mixed emotions.  I
         have been blessed with wonderful experiences.  It’s difficult to put into words the privi-

         lege and honor I have felt leading worship and presiding at Holy Communion and fu-
         nerals.  Confirming Rachel, Cameron, and Kade was an emotional memorable honor
         – what a privilege to be part of our youth’s faith development.

         I have been blessed by the knowledge and support of both Shannon and Wendy – I
         will certainly miss our staff meetings and special times of sharing.  Watching our youth

         on Rally Day this past Sunday brought so much joy to my heart. Hopefully, our con-
         gregation will take time to go look for the stones of “hope, love, peace, and faith” out-
         side our church building. Thank you, teachers, for your commitment to guide our


         And to our Council…Words aren’t adequate to express to you my heart felt thankful-
         ness for your dedication, your unwavering support and encouragement to me.  Your
         leadership, insights, guidance, and listening ears have been an inspiration as we
         faced many challenges during these past couple of years. You have spent countless

         volunteer hours leading Trinity. Thank you for your dedication.

          Congregational members, many of you have showered me with support…thank you
         for your kindness…thank you for your notes and phone calls…it has meant so much
         to me.

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