Page 13 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 13

Taylor McClement (‘18)                                  Maria Fernanda Ramirez Coutiño (‘14)

               their craft. All very talented and    For Sarah Milne, her deep   students’ art. “I am in awe that
               busy! I received ten packages    QMS pride was echoed in the     we have been gifted with these
               of concepts for both a legacy    artist’s use of iconic  images of   pieces,” she admits. “These
               and  contemporary  tie/scarf     the School’s past, such as the   students worked very hard to
               combination,” shares Andersen.   heraldic devices in the crest; as   earn the credentials and skills
               “The story each artist shared    well as school house symbols    they brought to this project.
               with me on why, how and what     like the graceful swan of St.   Teaching art and design out of
               the designs meant to them, was   Hugh’s,  the  strong  sword  and   our humble QMS studio for the
               glorious and moving.”            snake of St. Michael’s, and the   past 20 years; I always told my
                                                pure simplicity of St. Gabriel’s   students, it is not so much what
                                                buttercup. “I haven’t met these   you have on the  outside that
                                                particular alumni in person,    determines success, it is what
                                                but I want to!” exclaims Milne.   you do with what you have
                                                “These artists have clearly     on the inside that makes the
                                                been   guided    by  Angela,
                                                and the significance of their
                                                QMS experiences have been
                                                expressed in a powerful way.
                                                We will do everything we can to
                                                share their beauty throughout
                                                our Centenary and beyond.”
                                                  Angela pauses thoughtfully
                                                as she gazes at her former

               Cindy Ng (‘13)

                When presented with the
               designs, Centennial Committee
               member,     Lynn   Robertson,
               and OOMA President, Sarah
               Milne  agreed.  “The  caliber of
               these scarf and tie designs is
               incredible,” smiles Lynn. “I’m so
               impressed, though it will make
               the decision process incredibly
               difficult!”                             Felice Chap (‘12)             Chloe Wan (‘17)

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