Page 18 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
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you don’t need a gimmick to       encourage them to post their   and only made 500 cases. We
               sell it.” I reached out to the    experience and offer swag      sold out in two months. We
               critic, clarifying that in such a   prizes.                      doubled production and sold
               competitive market we needed       All of the wineries in the    out  again!  We  have  witnessed
               to stand out. Our conversation    [Okanagan] region are working   a 900% increase in production
               ended well and I appreciated      hard to partner with agri-     and sales in the last five years for
               the chance to clarify our         tourism, it drives our economy.   Bling.
               reasoning with them.              Children are welcome on tours
                                                 now, even here. We hand        Q: What is your ultimate
               Q: How do you keep The            out juice boxes, provide red   vision for The View Winery?
               View fresh and authentic          stilettos to play with, and have
               when it comes to marketing,       a picnic area in the orchard   We have been on our land
               branding and promotion of         where kids and even dogs can   for  100  years.  Our vision  is  to
               your products?                    run around.                    continue to be relevant and stay
                                                   The View is the first vineyard   in front of the trends and grow
               We constantly brainstorm new      in Canada to package wine in   our business so we can keep
               ideas and events that people      a can, it’s called  Bling. That is   our family viable for generations
               respond  well  to  and  find      an interesting story. We had   to come. It’s in our mission
               exciting. Our best marketing      invested in a canning line for   statement, we are being the
               tool  is  our  consumers, so      our ciders, and a comment      best winery and cidery we can
               if we offer affordable and        we  received  was  that  people   be for our land to be viable for
               approachable     experiences,     didn’t want a whole bottle of   the future. We have been here
               there is no better way to keep    a sparkling wine, they wanted   for five generations and would
               us fresh than chatter on social   a single serve. We live in a   like to think we will be here for
               media. It’s so valuable to your   recreational area and people   at least another five.
               brand. We are very active on      want to take a single serve out
               social media and when people      with them into nature. I really
               have a great experience, we       wasn’t sure how it would go

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