Page 15 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 15

Serving our
                Serving our


                BY CARRIE CRAIG,
               BY CARRIE CRAIG,

               The 2019-2020 school year        pandemic also led to questions   younger siblings, and
               started like most and we quickly   such as: How do we  define    knitted hats to  be
               set the tone of the importance   service in a time of pandemic?   donated  this winter.
               of service at QMS. We have       What can we do from home?       Our students truly
               a long standing tradition of        After  brainstorming,  we    demonstrated  their
               service to others and encourage   jumped   into  action.  Kim    commitment       to
               students    to    demonstrate    Phillips, Humanities Teacher,   supporting   others
               our school motto, “Serviter      and I challenged all QMS staff   and were excited to
               Fortiter” (Serve Ye Bravely) in   to donate to Nourish Cowichan   share their acts of
               their daily lives. The Senior    who  was  working  hard  to     service.
               School Service Day in October    support Cowichan families in     Our 2020–2021
               featured 160 students working    need  by  ensuring  they  were   school year brings
               throughout    the   Cowichan     fed. With a generous match of   another   question:
               Valley on projects such as       funds by our Head of School,    What does our new
               apple  picking,  participating   QMS raised over $4000! We       reality mean for the
               in the harvest at Providence     expanded to include activities   future of our service
               Farm, clearing paddocks for      that students from K–12 could   program? We have
               Cowichan  Therapeutic  Riding,   complete from home. We          overcome      large
               and helping in the urban farm    asked for them to create        challenges in recent
               with the Cowichan Green          Mother’s Day and Father’s Day   months,  and it  has
               Community. Some Grade 11         cards  that  could  be  delivered   provided us with the
               students  mentored children      to care homes in Ladysmith to   chance to refresh
               at Khowhemun Elementary          ensure that elderly members of   our program. This
               through Big Brothers Big Sisters   our wider community received   is a time of great
               Cowichan Valley, and on-         cards and kind messages while   uncertainty  and  we  know  that
               campus, students volunteered     separated from their loved      the need for service in our
               at the School’s annual Christmas   ones. Our students and families   homes,  school,  community,
               Bazaar.  They  freely  gave  their   answered the call!          and around the world will be
               time to the Equestrian Centre,     We were heart-broken to       great.  Our  compassionate,
               helped in the library, and score-  cancel  our Annual  Service  Day   dedicated, and locally and
               kept at basketball games. The    yet, in its place, we hosted our   globally minded students are
               positive feelings of service     first Service in Spirit Day. Student   up for the challenge.
               permeated our school hallways.     leaders  created  a  fun  video
                Then our world changed. The     outlining the different ways
               emergence of COVID-19 led to     families could participate from
               an interesting paradox: How      home, which was supported by
               could we continue to instill the   engaging QMS Kindness Cards
               value of service in our students   (similar to bingo cards) that
               and meet the growing needs       students used to practice acts of
               of our community while still     service. Students donated food
               keeping our students physically   to the SPCA, helped neighbours
               and emotionally healthy? The     with their gardens, looked after

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