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Cybersecurity in 2024:

 Trends and

 Strategies for                                                                      FEATURE

 the UK

 t’s that time of year again where we analyse what’s   To tackle the evolving cyber threats in 2024,
 Ihappened in 2023 and look to what 2024 might   organisations can leverage innovative cybersecurity
 dish up on the cybersecurity front, as we enter   solutions. Here are three notable options:

 •  AI in Cybersecurity: expect to see AI-powered threat   •  WatchGuard Technologies: WatchGuard’s Total
 detection and response systems becoming more   Identity Security offers a comprehensive solution
 commonplace. With the ability to rapidly analyse vast   to protect against identity-related cyber threats. It
 amounts of data to identify unusual patterns and   combines multi-factor authentication (MFA), single
 potential threats, AI will grow to help organisations    sign-on (SSO), and identity and access management
 stay ahead.  (IAM) to ensure secure user access to critical resources,   To summarise, no-
 •  Increased Emphasis on Zero Trust: we expect this   reducing the risk of unauthorised access and data   one should claim
 model will continue to gain traction in 2024, with more   breaches.  to have “completed
 organisations adopting it to minimise the risk of insider   •  Liverton Security: Liverton Security’s MailAdvisor   cybersecurity” and
 threats and external breaches.  is a specialised email security solution. It employs   therefore take their eye
 •  Ransomware Evolution: Ransomware isn’t going away   advanced threat detection and email filtering to   off the ball.  Hackers
 any time soon, and attacks are expected to become   safeguard against phishing attacks, malicious   will continue to don
 even more sophisticated while targeting the usual   attachments, and email-borne threats. In an era where   their hoodies, sit in
 critical infrastructures of healthcare and supply chain   phishing remains a significant threat, MailAdvisor is a   front of binary code
 amongst others.   crucial defence.                     wallpaper and look for
 •  Supply Chain Security: with global interconnectivity   •  CoSoSys: CoSoSys specialises in data loss prevention   network fragilities to
 comes susceptibility to cyberattacks. Companies   (DLP) and endpoint security. Endpoint Protector helps   exploit for monetary
 will focus on securing their supply chains to prevent   organisations safeguard sensitive data and prevent   gain, so keeping
 attacks that can disrupt production and distribution.  data leaks, even in remote work scenarios. As data   up-to-date with your
 •  Enhanced Authentication: Multi-factor authentication   breaches continue to pose a significant risk, CoSoSys’   cybersecurity practices
 (MFA) and biometric authentication will become   DLP solutions are essential for securing critical   is purely the start.
 standard for securing accounts and systems.   information.
 Password-based authentication will become less
 prevalent due to its vulnerabilities.

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