Page 28 - NorthamberCompass Magazine Issue 1
P. 28

WatchGuard Launches                                                              This turnkey solution   Wilkinson adds, “By
                                                                                                                  combining attack surface
                                                                                           offers a range of benefits,
          Revolutionary MDR Solution:                                                      providing 100% MDR for   reduction, prevention,
                                                                                                                  and effective detection
                                                                                           partners 100% of the time,
          A Game-Changer                                                                   continuous endpoint    and response strategies,
                                                                                           activity monitoring, and
                                                                                                                  WatchGuard EDR, EPDR,
                                                                                           immediate incident
                                                                                                                  or Advanced EPDR,
          for MSPs                                                                         notification to the    and WatchGuard MDR                50%
                                                                                           preferred point of contact.
                                                                                                                  empower MSPs with
                                                                                           The service also includes
                                                                                           detailed attack reports   a robust cybersecurity         of organisations
                                                                                           leveraging the MITRE   The launch of WatchGuard          will be using MDR
               Empowering          n the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity,         ATT&CK framework and   MDR comes at a time               services by 2025
                                                                                           tailored playbooks for
                     MSPs to     Ibusinesses grapple with the challenges of combating      automated containment.  when mid-market
                                                                                                                  organisations report
                  Transform       complex threats while facing a shortage of skilled       Jeremy Keefe, Group    increased benefits from
                                  professionals. Recognising the growing need for robust
              Cybersecurity       managed detection and response (MDR) services,           Managing Director of   MDR services, reflecting
                 Operations       WatchGuard, a global leader in unified cybersecurity, has   Northamber, speaks to the   the pressing need for
                                  unveiled its groundbreaking WatchGuard MDR solution.     strength of the relationship   advanced cybersecurity
                                  This latest offering aims to empower Managed Service     between WatchGuard     solutions. MSPs partnering
                                  Providers (MSPs) to deliver comprehensive cybersecurity   and Northamber, stating,   with WatchGuard can now
                                  services without the burden of building and managing     “WatchGuard’s continuous   stay ahead of the curve,
                                  their own Security Operations Centres (SOC).             innovation strengthens   capitalising on the MDR
                                                                                           our partnership and adds   revolution to transform
                                  WatchGuard MDR bridges   The heart of WatchGuard         immense value to our   their security operations
                                  the cybersecurity skills and   MDR lies in its team of   offerings. The launch   and drive unparalleled           57%
                    24/7          funding gaps by providing   skilled cybersecurity        of WatchGuard MDR      customer value.
                 2 4   H O U R   S E R V I C E  a turnkey solution for   experts, ensuring 24/7   is a testament to their   As the cybersecurity    of organisations
                    365           MSPs, allowing them     security monitoring,             commitment to providing   market continues to            believe MSPs can
                3 6 5   D AY S   A   Y E A R  to meet the increasing   threat hunting, attack   cutting-edge solutions.”  evolve, WatchGuard’s      do a better job than
                                  demand for MDR services   prevention, detection, and     WatchGuard MDR         commitment to innovation          they can
                                  from their clients. Jon-Marc   containment. In the words   maximises automated   and collaboration with
                                  Wilkinson, WatchGuard   of Wilkinson, “Our team of       threat prevention,     partners like Northamber
                                  Director of Sales UK &   experts from WatchGuard         detection, and response by   positions the company as
                                  Ireland, emphasizes the   SOC transforms endpoint        utilising WatchGuard EDR,   a formidable force in the
                                  value this adds to MSPs’   monitoring and 365-day        EPDR, or Advanced EPDR   industry. With WatchGuard
                                  existing offerings, stating,   telemetry into actionable   and its managed services.   MDR, MSPs can confidently
                                  “WatchGuard MDR enables   security analytics,            The Zero-Trust Application   navigate the challenges
                                  MSPs to seamlessly deliver   augmented by industry-      Service autonomously   of the modern threat
                                  top-tier cybersecurity   leading, trusted security       minimises the malware   landscape, providing their
                                  capabilities without the   machine learning/AI, and      attack surface, enhancing   clients with cutting-edge    Visit
                                  burden of building and   up-to-the-minute threat         security posture and   cybersecurity solutions        watchguard-mdr for more
                                  managing their modern   intelligence operated            enabling scalable detection   and maintaining a resilient   information, or contact
                                  SOC.”                   around the clock.”               and response.          defence against ever-
                                                                                                                  evolving cyber threats.              to arrange a demo.

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