Page 30 - NorthamberCompass Magazine Issue 1
P. 30

24/7 Detection and Response                                            A revolution in Virtual
                          Without the Overhead                                             Application Delivery with

                                                                                           Cameyo at Northamber

                                                                                              ameyo, a leading    Cameyo’s innovative
                                                                                          Cprovider of Virtual    platform enables
                                                                                           Application Delivery   businesses to deliver
                                                                                           solutions, is thrilled   all of their applications
                                                                                           to announce its        - including Windows,
                                                                                           strategic partnership   Linux, SaaS, and internal
                                                                                           with Northamber, a     web apps - to any device
                                    2 4   H O U R   S E R V I C E
                                                                                           distinguished player in the   either as Progressive Web
                                                                                           UK IT distribution sector.   Apps (PWAs) or from the
                                                                                           This collaboration marks   browser, eliminating the
                                    6 5   D A Y S   A   Y E A R
                                                                                           a significant milestone in   complexities associated
                                                                                           enhancing the accessibility   with traditional virtual
                                                                                           and efficiency of virtual   desktop methods. With
                                                                                           application deployment   Cameyo, organisations
        Extending Your Security Team                Enhanced Security Expertise            for businesses.        can achieve enhanced
        Around the Clock                            Leverage external experts that extend                         flexibility, security, and
                                                    in-house experience.                   Robb Henshaw, Co-
         WatchGuard MDR o ers a 24/7 managed service                                       Founder & CMO of       cost-effectiveness in
         covering monitoring, threat detection, investigation,                             Cameyo, expressed      managing their application
         instant response, and threat hunting, all under   Cost-E ective Operations        his enthusiasm for the
         cybersecurity expert management.           Enjoy an a ordable, powerful           partnership, stating,   This collaboration comes
                                                    alternative to an in-house SOC.        “Northamber’s prominent   at a crucial time when
         It eliminates the need for a dedicated, in-house SOC,                             position in the market   businesses are seeking
         e ectively meeting customer needs and addressing   Threat Intelligence of the latest attacks   and unmatched in-house   agile and scalable
         the skill and investment shortage challenges many   Enhance your preventative security   expertise make them an   solutions for their remote
         MSPs face, with minimal overhead.          measures.                              ideal collaborator. Their   and hybrid workforces.
                                                                                           commitment to innovation   Cameyo and Northamber
         Outsourcing MDR services helps MSPs augment their                                 aligns seamlessly with   are committed to
         position in the market with advanced security   Rapid Response                    Cameyo’s mission to    delivering a seamless
         services and new paths to fortifying clients’   Minimise the damage and downtime of   simplify virtual application   Virtual Application Delivery
                                                     security incidents.
         cybersecurity postures.                                                           delivery. Together, we can   experience, empowering
                                                                                           provide customers with   organisations to stay            Find out more at
                                                                                           unparalleled solutions   ahead in today’s dynamic
                                                                                           tailored to their evolving   business environment.
                           Smart Security, Simply Done.                                    needs.”

             Northamber Solutions:  020 8296 7015  |  Visit:

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