Page 36 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 36
Dan Meagher has officially taken
the helm as CEO and president
at Novus International, Inc.,
with plans to lead the company
to further success in the animal
nutrition space.
Dan Meagher
SAINT CHARLES, MO: he spent as the head of ag-tech start-up As Meagher takes the reins, he
“My goal is to be one Novus; one Agrivida, Novus alsocongratulated former acknowledged that these changes, coupled
company focused on our core strengths,” CEO and President François Fraudeau on with anxiety about the pandemic, can be
Meagher said. “We have a great technology his retirement, in addition to that of long- stressful but said he is confident that his
in the HMTBa molecule (found in the time leader and advocate Jeff Klopfenstein, new Executive Leadership Team is positive
company’s methionine product, ALIMET® executive vice president and president of in its outlook and plans to move the
as well as other products), we will seek methionine business, who announced in company forward.
new and innovative technologies, and we March that he would retire from Novus “My request is that we keep focused
will continue to build upon our history of and his 29-yearcareer with the company, on serving our customers, working with
research and development by creating more effective April 1. stronger collaboration and maintaining an
products and solutions. Our resolute vision “I’ve been with the company since the optimistic mentality towards our future,”
remains to help feed the world wholesome, very beginning,” Klopfenstein said. “I’ve Meagher said.“I am excited about the
affordable food in a sustainable manner.” been active in its growth and expansion, future of Novus because I know we have
Meagher said that while the novel and what we’ve achieved as a company the right people in this company to make a
coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has has made me proud. Helping our difference.”
delayed the finalization and implementation customers to feed the world has been an Novus International, Inc. is a global leader
of the company’s new strategy, the plans he honor and I wish everyone at Novus, and in health and nutrition solutions for the
and his team have for the company are sure those in the animal agriculture industry, a animal agriculture industry. The company
to be visible to customers when they are bright future.” is headquartered in Saint Charles, Missouri,
fully realized later this year. Klopfenstein will continue to work with US and is privately owned by Mitsui & Co.
Asthe company welcomes Meagher’s Novus as a consultant for an agreed period (U.S.A.), Inc. and Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. For
return to Novus following the six-years of time. more information, visit
36 April, 2020