Page 40 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 40

POULTRY PUNCH                                                                             NEWS

                                Dignitaries during the inaugural function of WVPA (India)  Conference 2020 on
                                           “Advances in Poultry Sciences for One Health”

            way for sustainable poultry production in  to prevent the spread of the diseasesand  to  play  an  important  role  in  the  modern
            the country. Few global and several national  to curb possible mutation of the virus into  poultry industry.
            experts have attended this conference and  a more virulent type causing more severe   Dr G Dinakar Raj of TANUVAS explained
            deliberated.  Dr  Marcelo  Paniago  of  Ceva  outbreak.Dr  Marcelo  enlightened  on  dilemma  between  investigator  and
            Animal  Health,  Malaysia  highlighted  the  selection of ideal vaccine and DIVA abled  investor  in  Avian  disease  diagnosis.
            current and future challenges of the poultry  vaccines and highlighted the mechanization  Disease diagnosis should be based on virus
            vaccine industry and solution for the near  like  in-ovo  technologies  which  is  going  isolation, serotyping along with molecular
            future. Prof Dr Abdul Rahman Omar from
            Universiti  Putra  of  Malaysia  elaborated
            on  Immune  Evasion  Strategies  of  Poultry
            Viruses and its practical approach.
              Global overview on epidemiology and its
            control  of  Newcastle  Disease  was  shared
            by Dr Jose Luis Losada Torres of Hipra. An
            interesting topic on Black Soldier Fly (BSF)
            was delivered by Prof Dr Nadeem Fairoze. In
            his presentation he highlighted on reducing
            feed and production cost by poultry waste
            management into wealth with the help of
            BSF  larvae.  The  outcome  of  the  session
            was the awareness,which hasto be created
            amongst  poultry  entrepreneurs  regarding
            adhering  to  strict  biosecurity  measures
            for  prevention  and  control  of  diseases.
            Vaccination  strategies  for  important
            prevailing diseases either with live/killed or
            new technology vaccines has to be adopted
                                                               Huge Gathering during the conference

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