Page 42 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
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poster award, the second and third best
posters were authored by Shwetha H.S. and
Chandravathi T respectively. WVPA (India)
proudly arranged special travel grants for
all the student delegates from different
Universities across the country.
The compendium of the conference
was released by the chief guest Dr S
Abdul Rahmanand the dignitaries on the
occasion. The compendium was edited by
Dr V Sejian, Dr B Barman, Dr AV Elangovan,
Dr J Verma and Dr R Bhatta. Dr Rahman
in his presidential speech expressed the
importance of biosecurity and proper
vaccination in the poultry industries for
growth and profitability. Dr Raghavendra
Release of WVPA (India) 2020 Conference Compendium Bhatta, Director ICAR- NIANP emphasised
on the issue of climate change, AMR,
disease diagnostic tools like PCR & RT-PCR gave valuable insights on how the immune phytogenics and in-ovo nutrition. Dr Shirish
etc. Dr Ong Shyong Wey, HIPRA, Malaysia complex vaccines are advantageous as they Nigam presented the report card of WVPA
spoke about Immune modulation and were suitable for in-ovo vaccination. At India Chapter Branch activity for the last
enhancement of immunity by the use of an the end of conference Dr E. Vijayakumar, year.
adjuvanted solventlive coccidiosis vaccine MSD Animal Health, Pune spoke about Dr D Nagalakshmi and Dr Kiran chaired
for breeders and layers. He explained that Recombinant Technology for Newcastle the first Technical session with Dr M Kadam
addition of Montanide type of adjuvant Disease and Mareks Disease vaccine strains. as moderator and Dr I David as rapporteur.
against coccidiosis vaccine enhances the In his presentation the comprehensive role Dr PS Mahesh and Dr SK Das chaired the
cellular immunity in poultry compared of recombinant vaccines wasemphasized as second session along withDr P.K Malik and
to non-adjuvant vaccine. Dr Sanjay K control strategy. Dr G Ravikiran as moderator and rapporteur
Gavkare, Ventri Biologicals, Venkateshwara More than 50 scientific research papers respectively. The third session was chaired
Hatcheries Pvt Ltd., Pune elaborated were selected in the form of posters from by Dr G Devegowda and Dr R.U Suganthi
effective approach for intervention of students and researchers all over the country. which was moderated by Dr. Ashish
novel vvIBDV infection by development of Dr B P Manjunath, Dr Binsila Krishnan, Dr Mishra and Dr Solomon Rajkumar was the
Indianized immune complex vaccine “VIPx”. Anjumoni Mech, Dr Jaydip Rokade and Dr S rapporteur.
Immune complex vaccines have emerged M Raywere the jury to evaluate the posters The session was anchored by Dr
as promising solution to control infectious and the best three posters were selected Arindam Dhali and Dr Shirish Nigam.
bursal disease (IBD) at its best. The speaker and awarded. Rayala Reddy V got the best Dr P G Phalke expressed vote of thanks
to all the delegates, speakers and the
organizing committee members. He
expressed special thanks to Dr R Bhatta,
Director NIANP and his team for their
effortless planning and execution of the
whole programme. Also expressed sincere
thanks to Dr V Sejian the Organizing
Secretary, and Joint Organizing Secretary
Dr B Barman, and all other organizing
committee members Dr A.V Elangovan,
Dr P K Malik, Dr Atul P Kolte and Dr RU
Suganthi and all Executive Members
of WVPA (India) . To conclude World
Veterinary Poultry Association (India)
Conference 2020 ended successfully with
a positive note to share recent scientific
knowledge with stakeholders and the
Core organizing committee of WVPA (India) Conference 2020 poultry industry.
42 April, 2020