Page 38 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 38
Lighting of Lamp by delegates on dais
Bengaluru: losses especially due to disease outbreaks. by eminent National speakers including
orld Veterinary Poultry Such outbreaks pose a threat for other four international speakers.
Association (India) organized livestock species and humans too as some Dr Jeetendra Verma welcomed all the
Wits first annual conference at of the poultry diseases are of zoonotic delegates and signified the importance
ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition importance. Thus there are increasing of the conference. Prof S Abdul Rahman,
and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru on 28 programs focusing towards one health Executive Director and Past President
Feb 2020. Through this conference the initiative which aims to create common Commonwealth Veterinary Association was
association aimed to strengthen research ground for several disciplines in order the chief guest. The eminent dignitaries
and education in poultry production and to establish more holistic approaches to were felicitated by Dr Shirish Nigam, Dr
harness the knowledge for the welfare diseases shared by more than one species. B. Barman, Dr P G Phalke and Dr S K Das
of poultry farmers. It is imperative that With this objective the WVPA (India) with a special memento ‘An Assamese
the theme of this national conference chapter paved the way to organize its first FulamGamosa’
“Advances in Poultry Science for One conference to focus on recent advancement The presentations from the eminent
Health is very pertinent in today’s context. and innovations in the field of poultry speakers were positively helpful in designing
The poultry industry is a high profit sector science. In total 279 delegates registered new strategies to tackle the critical issues
which however is highly susceptible to for this conference which was enlightened associated with poultry production paving
38 April, 2020