Page 47 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 47

POULTRY PUNCH                                                                           ARTICLE


                                                               DR. AMANDEEP SINGH (BVSc & AH, MVSc)
                                          Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Department of Sheep Husbandry,
                                                                  Government of Jammu & Kashmir, India.
                                              Former Research Scholar, Division of Extension Education,
                                            ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India

               ince  the  coronavirus  has  resulted   is the key ingredient in poultry feed have   Does coronavirus spread through
               in  pandemic,  poultry  industry  in   fallen  steeply  but  to  no  good  hopes  for   eating eggs?
           Sparticular  has  faced  its  wrath.  The   the  poultry  producers,  the  consumers   No,  coronavirus  does  not  spread  through
           Union Minister for Animal Husbandry and   have  also  discontinued  the  consumption   consumption  of  eggs.  Although  there
           Dairying  (India),  Sh.  Giriraj  Singh,  have   of  poultry  products  due  to  coronavirus   are  other  pathogens  like  Salmonella,
           stated that poultry industry in India is facing   outbreak.        Mycoplasma,  Chlamydia,  reovirus,  etc.
           a net loss of Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2000 crore per   Many   governmental   organizations   which can spread through eating uncooked
           day. The prices of eggs and poultry meat   have  time  and  again  reported  that   or raw eggs. It is always advisable to properly
           have  reduced  drastically  varying  from   the  coronavirus do not  spread through   cook the eggs before consumption.
           Rs. 180/kg to even at Rs. 10/kg at various   consumption  of  poultry  products,  still   Does coronavirus spread through
           places due to which the poultry farmers are   to add to information, the current article   eating poultry meat?
           in despair.                      have been exclusively written to bust the   No,  coronavirus  does  not  spread  thr
             A  net  reduction  of  70  percent  have   myths  and  misinformation  which  was   ough  consumption  of  poultry  meat.  The
           been  witnessed  in  the  prices  of  poultry   circulated through social media related to   other  pathogens  that  spread  through
           products  since  coronavirus  outbreak.   the consumption of poultry products and   raw  or  uncooked  meat  are  Salmonella,
           Although the market prices of maize which   coronavirus spread.    Campylobacter,   Staphylococcus,   E.

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