Page 50 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 50

POULTRY PUNCH                                                                          ARTICLE
                 Technical Update

                                        UNDERSTANDING HEAT STRESS IN LAYERS:

                                        Management Tips to Improve Hot Weather
                                        Flock Performance

                Periods of high environmental temperatures, often accompanied by high relative humidity, are common
                in the summer months. Heat stress can profoundly affect the productivity of a flock. At environmental
                temperatures above 33°C, high mortality and large production losses are readily evident, but at less
                extreme temperatures, heat stress is often overlooked as a cause for poor growth or subtle losses in egg
                production and shell quality.

                Excess body heat is removed by four different mechanisms (see Figure 1).
                  1. Convection                                              3. Evaporative Cooling
                  Body heat lost to cooler surrounding air. Birds will increase   Rapid, shallow, open-mouth
                  exposed surface area by drooping and spreading wings.      breathing increases heat loss
                  Convection is aided with air movement by creating a        by increasing the evaporation
                  wind chill effect.                                         of water from the mouth and
                                                                             respiratory tract. Evaporative
                  Vasodilation – Blood-swollen wattles                       cooling is aided by lower
                  and comb bring internal body heat                          air humidity.
                  to the surface to be lost to the cooler
                  surrounding air.
                                                     Reduced Body Heat       4. Conduction
                                                        Production –         Body heat loss to cooler
                                                    Birds become inactive    objects in direct contact with
                  2. Radiation                      and listless, decreases   the bird (i.e. litter, slats, cage
                                                                             wire). Birds will seek cooler
                  Electromagnetic waves transfer heat   feed consumption.    places in the house. Birds will
                  through the air to a distant object. Body                  lie on floor and dig into litter to
                  heat is radiated to cooler objects in the                  find a cooler place.
                  house (i.e. walls, ceiling, equipment).

                Figure 1. Heat loss mechanisms of the chicken.
                                                                      EFFECTS OF HEAT STRESS
                Radiation, convection and conduction together
                are called sensible heat loss. The thermoneutral    Feed intake    Mortality
                zone of the chicken is generally between 18–25°C.    Egg production         (especially with
                Within this temperature range, sensible heat loss     Egg weight          acute heat stress)
                is adequate to maintain the bird’s normal body    Shell quality      Cannibalism
                temperature of 41°C.                                                  Immunosuppression
                                                               Albumen height
                Above the thermoneutral zone, the efficiency of      Growth          Hatchability
                sensible heat loss mechanisms diminishes. At this                     Fertility in roosters
                point, the evaporation of water from the respiratory
                tract becomes the major heat loss mechanism of    Production losses occurring from heat stress
                the bird.  The evaporation of one gram of water   depend on:
                dissipates 540 calories of body heat.         1.  Maximum temperature to which the flock
                At temperatures above the thermoneutral zone,    was exposed
                the bird has to expend energy to maintain normal   2.  Duration of high temperatures
                body temperature and metabolic activities. This   3.  Rate of temperature change
                diverts energy away from growth and egg
                production, resulting in performance loss.    4.  Relative humidity of air

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