Page 48 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 48
coli, etc. Do not purchase dead bird for Food Safety & Standards Authority of cleaning the kitchen tops and shelves
consumption and always cook the meat India (FSSAI), National Egg Coordination regularly, covering the cooked food with lid,
properly (atleast 20 minutes over 800C) Committee (NECC), etc. have stated the etc.
before consumption. consumption of poultry products safe in l It is advisable to rinse meat before
coronavirus outbreak. cooking if purchased from roadside shop.
Does coronavirus spread from l In case of outbreak, report the disease
poultry to humans? to your doctor or health department.
There are no reports of coronavirus How to prevent foodborne diseases
originating from consumption of
spreading from poultry to humans. Neither animal products? How does discontinuing poultry
it is reported in meat nor in eggs, which The following steps shall be taken for products affect the poultry farmers?
makes eggs and meat safe for consumption. prevention of foodborne diseases: Broiler birds reared for meat have rearing
At what temperature coronavirus l Indian style of cooking is very efficient cycle of 28 to 42 days and layer birds
reared for eggs lay first egg after intensive
dies? in neutralizing most of the pathogens as hardwork of 20 to 22 weeks. The costs
Various studies have reported that it is based on moist heat treatment. It is associated with feeding, healthcare and
coronavirus loses its viability at advisable to properly cook foods of animal labor are huge which takes a huge toll on
temperatures more than 380C and let us origin before consumption. Cooking the poultry farmers. Poultry business is very
suppose that even if it present in meat and food for atleast 20 minutes over 800C is sensitive in nature as any outbreak, be it
eggs, such high temperatures of cooking recommended. related to poultry or not, levies a great loss
can easily neutralize the virus rendering l Cooked food should not be mixed with on farmers. So, if we empathize with our
poultry products virus free. uncooked food as it leads to contamination. farmers, we will get to know that all their
l Avoid consumption of raw eggs, meat
How does eggs and meat affect or milk as it leads to spread of diseases. hardwork goes in vain when any hoax call or
immunity? l Foods of animal origin should be misinformation spreads. In such inclement
Eggs and meat boost the immune system of properly refrigerated as it reduces the conditions, it becomes our responsibility
an individual due to the presence of Vitamin chances of microbial growth. to support our farmers so that they can
A which is required for strengthening l Do not store foods of animal origin for breakeven their inputs incurred on poultry
immunity. Therefore, eggs and meat will a longer time. farming by searching and believing on the
help fighting coronavirus in a way. l Buy food from a good, hygienic place credible information.
Does government support following the guidelines of FSSAI. What are the things to stay away
consumption of poultry products in l Apply good kitchen hygiene and from during coronavirus outbreak?
coronavirus outbreak? practices for cooking the food like washing Misinformation, coronavirus infected
Yes. Various governmental organization hands before cooking, washing utensils, individual, overthinking about coronavirus
have time and again came up with advisory cutting boards, dishes, etc. before and after outbreak and unrequired outings.
favoring consumption of poultry products. cooking, cleansing the dishes with clean Stay home, stay safe and enjoy poultry
Animal Husbandry Commissioner (GoI), paper towel or dish cloth before eating, products with family!
48 April, 2020