Page 72 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 72
M.D. Bobade , V.N. Khune , Sharad Mishra , A.K. Santra , Anupam Soni ,
Neetu Sonkar , Upasana Verma , Subhrajit Das , Sandeep Bissu and Roshni Hirwani 6
Ph.D Scholar, Assistant Professor, Professor and Head, Professor, M.V.Sc students, Department of
Livestock Production & Management College of veterinary science & A.H, Anjora, Durg (C.G.)
6 B.V.Sc and A.H. 5th year student College of veterinary science & A.H, Anjora, Durg (C.G.)
wAnupam Soni
M.V.Sc students, Department of Livestock Production & Management.
College of veterinary science & A.H, Anjora, Durg (C.G.)
Corresponding author Email id –
Introduction: days and the course of the disease is four to 10 weeks. The
gg drop syndrome (EDS) is caused by multiple viruses in virus is resistant to wide range pH range 3–10 and to heating
laying hens. The disease is characterized by production for 3 hr at 56°C (132.8°F). This virus is destroyed by the use 0.5
Eof thin shelled and shell-less eggs in apparently healthy percent formaldehyde.
birds and leads to a sudden drop (10-40%) in egg production Transmission of disease: Disease transmitted in various ways
or a failure to achieve a normal peak in production. It cannot Clinical Signs: Affected birds show severe drop in egg
be detected at early stage of the diseases, hens will eat the production with abnormal egg. The discoloration of egg colour,
shell-less eggs and the only evidence that may remain is the thin shelled egg laid, dullness, anorexia.
membranes, which is a sign that is easy to miss. The Clinical Post Mortem Lesions: on necropsy the reduce the size of
signs include diarrhea and loss of colour of shell, yolk pigment oviduct with inactive ovaries, their severe exudates deposition
along with production of thin-shelled eggs and mortality is around shell gland
usually negligible. Diagnosis:
Host susceptible: Ducks and geese are the natural hosts l On the basis of clinical sign such thin shelled egg, decrease
for the EDS virus and are asymptomatic carriers. Chickens of egg production.
all ages and breeds are susceptible but the disease is most l Duck atadenovirus A can be isolated in embryonated duck
severe in broiler breeders and brown-egg layer strains. EDS or goose eggs, and in cell cultures.
can be distinguished from Newcastle disease and influenza l Viral nucleic acids can be detected by PCR, ELISAs or
virus infections by the absence of illness, and from infectious immunofluorescence.
bronchitis by the eggshell changes that occur at or just before l Serological tests such as hemagglutination inhibition, ELISAs
the drop in egg production. and serum neutralization are used.
Etiology: EDS is caused by EDS virus which is belong to
adenovirus. The incubation period is varied from three to five Treatment and prevention of EDS
There is no specific treatment for EDS.
In prevention: they followed biosecurity
measures in the farm
Horizontal l Proper cleaning and disinfection of all
Direct contact with transmission via equipments such as egg trays and feeder
infected birds contaminated egg in the farm.
trays and droppings l Contaminated water should be
EDS l Composting of residual material infected
l Proper disposal of dead bird.
Vertical Through human and
transmission fomites l Proper vaccination of birds against egg
through egg drop syndrome inactivated vaccine with
oil adjuvant and is given in growing period
especially at 14 – 18 week of age birds.
72 April, 2020