Page 78 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 78
medical conditions might be more vulnerable to suffer from an 1st January, 2020, to please come forward for self-reporting to the
infection and become severely ill. call centre and visit the nearest health facility if experiencing fever,
cough or breathing difficulties, and also inform their doctor about
Zoonosis of disease the travel history.
At present, there is no evidence that pets such as dogs and cats
can get infected with the virus and lead to transmission to humans. Can wearing a medical mask all the time protect
However, it is always wise to wash your hands with soap and water against Novel Coronavirus?
after contact with pets to lower the risk of infection. Simple medical masks can prevent your nose or mouth from coming
in contact with infected droplets. But, not everyone needs to use a
Status of disease in India mask. WHO says that use masks only if you’re sick and have symptoms
According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), like cough or difficulty breathing. If you’re healthy and taking care of a
as on 17th March 2020, there are 129 confirmed COVID 2019 cases person suspected of COVID-19 infection, you must wear a mask.
across India. It is reported that 13 people have been cured of the
disease and 1 person died from coronavirus. What should I keep in mind while using a mask?
Masks will be effective only if you combine its use with frequent
Indian Government response to prevent coronavirus hand-washing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government You must clean your hands before wearing a mask and after removing
of India has issued a helpline number (+91-11-23978046) to seek it. Ensure that your mask covers your nose, mouth and chin perfectly
any help or solve any query related to coronavirus. The Government without leaving any gaps between your face and mask. Avoid touching
has also released helpline numbers of states & union territories for the mask while using it. If you do, wash your hands immediately.
corona-virus.In case of any queries, you can also mail at the helpline Dispose of the mask in a closed bin. Remember to remove the mask
Email Id for coronavirus– The Government from behind without touching the front of the mask.
has also appealed to passengers who have travelled to China since Prevention is best cure for COVID-19
78 April, 2020