Page 82 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 82

POULTRY PUNCH                                                                          ARTICLE

            carcass  criteria.  From  various  animal  References             5.  Li,  X.J.;  Piao,  X.S.;  Kim,  S.W.  ;  Liu,
            experimental study it was reported that  1.  Abdel-Raheem,  S.M.;  Abd-Allah,   P.;  Wang,  L.;  Shen,  Y.B.;  Jung,  S.C.
            there is a significant increase (p<0.05) in   S.M.S. and Hassanein, K.M.A. 2012.   and Lee, H.S. 2007. Effects of Chito
            the carcass weight and dressing % as well   The  effects  of  prebiotic,  probiotic   Oligosaccharide Supplementation on
            as in the absolute weight of the immune   and  synbiotic  supplementation  on   Performance,  Nutrient  Digestibility,
            organs  (bursa  and  thymus)  and  vital   intestinal  microbial  ecology  and   and  Serum  Composition  in  Broiler
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                                                Świątkiewicz, S. 2013. The usefulness  6.  Roberfroid,  M.B.  2007.  Prebiotics:
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            to  be  considered  as  an  alternative  to  in  3.  Baurhoo, B.; Phillip, L. and Ruiz Feria,   An  integrated  view  of  the  skin
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            Nevertheless, there is still further research   integrity and microbial populations in   I.H.  and  Cho,  J.H.  2017.  Effects  of
            under  standardized  conditions  needed  to   the ceca and litterof broiler chickens.   supplementation  of  probiotics  and
            evaluate  the  exact  mechanism  of  action   Poult Sci 86, 1070– 1078.  prebiotics  on  growth  performance,
            and  to  determine  the  optimal  dietary  4.  Józefiak, D.; Rutkowski, A. and Martin,   nutrient  digestibility,  organ  weight,
            inclusion level in order to optimize growth   S.A. 2004. Carbohydrate fermentation   fecal  microbiota,  blood  profile,  and
            performance,  nutrient  digestibility  and   in  the  avian  ceca:  a  review.  Anim.   excreta  noxious  gas  emissions  in
            maintain healthy birds.             Feed Sci Technol 113:1–15.       broilers. J Appl Poult Res 26:584–592.

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