Page 86 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 86
one of the most farmed animal species Moreover, phages also do not dissociate
Bacteriophages are in the world which makes it a leading from bacterial targets once irreversibly
contributor to the poultry industry. adsorbed.
natural micro-organisms Nonetheless, use of antimicrobials in Phage Therapy is now emerging as
made up of only genetic chicken plus other animal production a useful tool in controlling bacterial
will accelerate the development of AR in infections and at the same time is
material namely DNA pathogens which poses danger to human encouraging the growth of healthy
and RNA plus protein. beings. poultry. With the use of Artificial
This is because when an antibiotic Intelligence, it can be determined
Moreover, they also is used in improper way, it may leave whether the phages are lytic or not
do not damage the behind some bacterial strains that as only lytic phages are used in animal
resist the drug which can multiply and health. This is because lysogenic phages
beneficial microbiome become the dominating population. are dormant and embed themselves in
balance. These naturally This dominating population can the bacterial cell wall to live off it without
occurring organisms also be transferred to others. These destroying it. On the other hand, lytic
resistant bacteria can transfer from phages cause lysis which is destruction
only eliminate selected poultry products to humans when they of bacteria.
bacteria. More and consume meat contaminated with these The Need for Quality Feed
pathogens. This has prompted many
more companies countries to withdraw antibiotics from When it comes to chicken it takes
are embracing being used in animal production and set less than three hours for the feed to be
digested and absorbed. To compensate
up regulatory authorities for selected
bacteriophages instead antibiotics as well encourage the use of for the relatively short digestive tract
of antibiotics when bacteriophages. This has also led to a and rapid digestion transit time, high-
performing birds need easily digestible
it comes to poultry surge in demand for healthier and safer nutrient-dense feed where nutrients
alternatives to antibiotics for disease
production.This is largely prevention and control. are critical. The rates of genetic change
in growth and feed efficiency over the
because bacteriophages Bacteriophages as a Better years have also changed the physiology
are safe as they are only Alternative of the birds. Nutrient requirements and
Bacteriophages have emerged as a nutritional management have therefore
able to infect bacterial viable alternative to reduce antibiotic changed to harvest maximum of the
cells not human or usage in poultry rearing. Bacteriophages genetic potential of the new strains.
animal cells. Without are natural micro-organisms made up of The high genetic potential of current
only genetic material namely DNA and poultry strains can only be achieved
the presence of their RNA plus protein. Moreover, they also with properly formulated feeds that are
bacterial host they do not damage the beneficial microbiome protein and energy-dense.
Moreover, the feed additives to
balance. These naturally occurring
become inactive within organisms only eliminate selected use for destruction and prevention of
48 hours. In comparison bacteria. More and more companies bacterial infection in farmed animals as
are embracing bacteriophages instead well as transmission to humans must be
to antibiotics a single of antibiotics when it comes to poultry regulatory approved as well as should
phage can destroy a production. This is largely because eliminate pathogens. It should also be
multiple bacterium by bacteriophages are safe as they are only non-toxic with no side effects on poultry
able to infect bacterial cells not human and must be easy to apply and use. Other
multiplying in bacteria or animal cells. Without the presence things which poultry farm owners and
itself which is why fewer of their bacterial host they become managers must keep in mind are the
inactive within 48 hours. In comparison composition and quality of feed, nutrient
doses are required per to antibiotics a single phage can destroy value, digestibility, moisture retention,
administration. a multiple bacterium by multiplying palatability as well as any possible
in bacteria itself which is why fewer hazards that long term consumption may
doses are required per administration. cause.
86 April, 2020