Page 88 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 88
Objectives of the animal feeds society Eg- Allergens, oxalates, fiber, mannans, biogenic animals,
committee cyclopropenoid fatty acid, lipoxygenase, lectins, saponins, pectins.
1. To Describe the feeds accurately
2. To lay down standards on feed ingredients Possible adulterants in commonly used feed ingredients:
3. To lay down standards for compounded feed formulations INGREDIENT POSSIBLE ADULTERABTS
and mineral mixtures for cattle, poultry, pigs, laboratory
animals etc. Maize Cobs, cob , sand
Implementation of quality control programme, requires knowledge Jowar Sand
of various feed ingredients and their processing methods, effective
inspections, sampling of commodity, training personnel, instructions Soybean meal Hull
to quality control personnel, ingredient standards, laboratory GNC Urea
procedures, consistency of the feed ingredient quality and reliability Rice bran Sand, husk , fiber saw dust
of materials supply.
Calcite Sand, magnesium
Quality control of raw materials: DCP Calcite powder, rock, phosphate
Feed ingredients are suitable for inclusion in the compounded
feeds and also to indicate the maximum proportions in which they Mineral Mix Sand, cheap, minerals
can be included. Meat & bone meal Sand, leather meal, blood meal
1. Preliminary inspection of raw materials
2. Chemical tests
3. Toxicological tests Physical Evaluation
4. Analytical procedures Physical evaluation is easy but rough in nature. One must be
5. Quick and spot test highly trained to identify the changes in the nature of the raw
1. Preliminary inspection of raw material material/feeds. The physical evaluation includes examining the
Physical inspection are their; colour, taste, smell, sound and touch.
1. Colour, odour, texture , density of the materials Colour: Change in the normal colour of the feed ingredients
2. Evidence of wetting indicates the maturity state of the grain, storage conditions,
3. Storage pests presence of toxins, and contamination due to sand, possible use
4. Evidence of damaged or broken kernels etc of insecticides/fungicides which gives dull and dusty appearance.
5. Presence of adulterants’:such as stones ;dirt or other foreign Black coloured fish meal indicates the rancidity of fish oil. Dark
materials brown colour of meat meal indicates over cooking.
6. Evidence of presence of rat faecal pellets or hair etc Common adulterants of different feed ingredients-
7. Moisture should not be more than 10%
2 . Chemical tests: This indicates possible constraints on usage due Feed ingredients Adulterant
to the presence of excessive content of crude fiber, fat or total ash. Groundnut cake Groundnut husk, urea, non-edible
Additional tests should be carried out on materials with high ash oil cakes
content, to-determine acid insoluble ash.
Amount of acid insoluble ash = amount of sand and dirt present Soybean meal Urea, hulls, saw dust
3. Toxicological tests: Some ingredient contain endogenous toxic Deoiled rice bran, Ground rice husk, saw dust
substance which may at low concentration adversely affect feed wheat bran
aversion and palatability any at higher concentration, even result in
the -death of the animals. Fish meal Common salt, urea, crustaceans,
l eg. Gossypol in cotton seed feather meal
l Glucosinolates in rape seed Mineral mixture Common salt, marble powder,
l Cyanogenetic glycosides linseed and cassava sand, lime stone
l Mycotoxins (Aflatoxins) in maize, groundnut cake etc.
4. Analytical procedures: Standardisation of analytical methods is Meat and bone meal Sand, leather meal, blood meal,
required. The procedures of carrying out feed analysis are available rock phosphate
from AOAC (association of official analytical chemists ), AACC Shell grit Sand, dust
(American association of cereal chemists) and BIS (Bureau Indian Molasses Water Cobs, cob dust, sand
5. Quick and spot test: many times the quick decision in assessing Rice broken Marble, grit
the quality is required. These tests are mainly to identify the Dicalcium phosphate Calcite powder, rock phosphate
contaminants/ adulterants toxins etc.
88 April, 2020