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Discover Pheli People , Places and Culture                                                                       History

                                                 Antipas Tshene Sehlapelo

                                                   ENDURING TENNIS PLAYER, COACH & ADMINISTRATOR

                                                 An pas passionately started studying   children to work even harder in a bid
                                                 for and wri ng demanding coaching   to become stars as well. The impact of
                                                 examina ons which were set at a very   all his efforts resulted in tennis
             The late An pas Tshene Sehlapelo is   high standard with 75% as a passing   becoming a popular sport in
             the proud recipient of the 2012     mark. He defied all odds and qualified   A eridgevile with many more
             Life me Achievement Award in Sports   as a coach in 1975 and started   supporters and fans coming to cheer
             presented to him by the Super       working with children at school level.   when there were tournaments.
             Shongwe Memorial and Charity Trust
             in his honour as one of A eridgeville’s   His efforts paid off when some of his   Mmoni Sehlapelo who today is in
             unsung spor ng heroes when he was   protégés such as his own daughter,   business in Johannesburg, described
             75 years old.                       Mmoni Sehlapelo, Oupa Nelson       her father as a perfec onist and a
                                                 Mogale, David Ledwaba, the Lefshedi   very strict person who only wanted
             He was an enduring tennis player,   siblings of Kgomotso, Lebo and Lucas   the best for his children. He therefore
             coach and administrator, a spor ng   and the late Trevor Morolo came into   had very high standards and
             career which succeeded another      the limelight as junior stars at the   expecta ons from his children and
             brilliant career as a young footballer.    local, regional and na onal tennis   from everyone he interacted with.
                                                 courts par cipa ng in the then South   She said that has definitely rubbed off
             The late An pas Sehlapelo receiving   African Lawn Tennis Associa on,   her as she also tries her best to be as
             the 2013 Life me Achievement Award   Transvaal Open and other          perfect as she could in everything she
             from Freda Shongwe, the matriarch of   tournaments. Mmoni and Lucas won   does including for her own daughter.
             the Super Shongwe Memorial and      the na onal under 20 mixed doubles
             Charity Trust.                      in Cape Town in 1984.              Ntate An pas Sehlapelo, who was
                                                                                    also a crack footballer at the then
             An pas Tshene Sehlapelo was born in   An pas con nued with the fight to   famous Spa Spor ng Club, before
             Lady Selborne, Pretoria, in 1937. He   open up tennis and took part in   injuries forced him into tennis, has
             was married to Diana Mokgadi, nee   nego a ons and in pressure groups   had the honour of being recognised
             Mokone and were blessed with three   that led to talks amongst segregated   for their role in soccer by the then
             daughters who are also passionate   provincial bodies. They were       Deputy President of the Republic,
             about tennis.                       determined to succeed without      Kgalema Motlanthe at the Union
                                                 compromising their posi on and     Building in 2009, together with other
             Although his first love was football,   seeking genuine unity. This led to long   Spa Spor ng legends, with whom the
             An pas took to tennis when knee     protracted but successful talks which   Deputy President had briefly played at
             injuries denied him the pleasure of   resulted in the forma on of the then   Spa in the six es.
             con nuing playing football. His     non-racial Northern Transvaal Tennis
             biggest role in tennis was breaking   Union with An pas as its first Black   The Deputy President who then lived
             through apartheid barriers when they   Vice President.                 in Alexander, Johannesburg, had a
             struggled for integra on in the sport.                                 s nt at Spa, a er his father who was a
                                                 The indefa gable Mr Sehlapelo      close friend of Russa Bud Mbele, the
             He joined other veterans such as    con nued to campaign for emphasis   Spa Manager then, requested that his
             Joseph Kekana, Masobe Mohosoa and   on the development of juniors and   son who showed signs of football
             Uncle Tshankie in the A eridgeville   dedicated his  me to the children in   brilliance, be given an opportunity to
             Tennis Associa on to pull ranks with   the community and wanted only the   play for the mighty Pretoria club.
             Coloureds and Indians to form the   best for them.
             non-racial Tennis Associa on Of SA                                     The Deputy President then became so
             because they were excluded from the   The parents of the children under his   impressed with Spa, that when their
             White associa on.                   wing, also knew him and were happy   family moved to Meadowlands, he
                                                 having their children spend  me at   started a football club there and
             In the early seven es, An pas became   the tennis courts under his care as this   named it Meadowlands Spa. Some of
             directly and enthusias cally involved   kept them out of mischief. He was a   the other legends that An pas played
             in tennis development for juniors with   coach and a parent to all of them and   with include Seth Stopper Seopela,
             David Samaai, the first Black South   ins lled commitment, hard work and   Stanley Mogale, Frans Garrincha
             African to play at Wimbledon.       pride in what they did.            Kgobe, Mauser Matlala, goalkeeper
                                                                                    Majola, Mali ABC Motsepe, Ray
              Their biggest challenge was finding   He always wanted the kids to succeed   Kekana, the late Lexie Mothabela,
              resources and exper se to train    and made them work hard which at   Barrat Tabane, Bantala Matlala and
              coaches but with the help of the   the end paid off with a number of   others.
              Interna onal Tennis Federa on, they   stars coming out of the group he
              got informa on and some resources   coached. This further mo vated other   May his soul rest in peace!
              to do accomplish this.

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