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Discover Pheli People , Places and Culture History
1 Mrs ATTERJDGE Marabastad. In Attendgeville they were called house was blown up with dynamite by the
Mrs MP (Patricia) Attcridge (nick names 'Mma di the Zebras Rugby Football Club. This was the secunty forces of the apartheid regime.
Sopo' and ‘Mma Batho') was City Councillor of meeting place of PAC members dunng the
Pretoria from Oct 1933 until Oct 1945 and apartheid era. Leaders like Dikgung Moseneke 20. INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS
Chairperson of the Native and Asiatic Affairs were arrested here on 22 March 1963 arid An estimated 15 000 people reside in self-built
Committee. She fought strenuously for the rights afterwards condemned to Robben Island. shacks west of Saulsville. A large part of the area
of blacks during the 1930s and 1940s. was formally used by die South Afncan Defence
10. ATTERIDGEVILLE RAILWAY STATION Force as a shooting range. Dunng the early 1990s
2. WALTON JAMESON PRIMARY SCHOOL For 20 years workers of Attendgeville had to informal settlements such as JefPs Ville,
One of the two first schools of Attendgeville, make use of the private bus service (the Great Phomlolong, Concerned Section, Brazzaville and
named after a prominent member of the Native North Transport Company) or go to work by AD Section were established here.
and Asiatic Affairs Committee during die 1930s. bicycle or foot. Rail was introduced on 20
The school was originally established in December 1958 when this Station was opened. 21. KWAGGASRAND CAVES
Marabastad as the NG Church School and The dolomitic substructure of the hills around
transferred to Attendgeville in (anuary 1941. 11. MPHEBATHO HOTEL Attendgeville caused an extensive network of
In July 1974 the first hotel in a black township in caves, inhabited by people of the Stone Ages and
3. METHODIST CHURCH Dramatic South Afnca was opened in Moroe Street, also by animals such as hyenas.
expression in red bnck and a landmark next to Attendgeville. The first manager of the
Seeiso Street Park. Comer stones laid on 30 June Mphebatho Hotel was Lappies Lumprecht and 22. ATTERJDGEVILLE SUPER STADIUM
1946. The church was built mostly with bricks the Assistant Manager was Paul Sambo. Built dunng the 1950s and ongmally called
brought stone for stone from the demolished Pehndaba Stadium, it was the home base of stars
church building in Marabastad. 12. JANICKY’S PLACE such os Steven Kalamazo Mokone, the first black
Very popular restaurant and shebeen located next South African to go overseas (dunng the 1950s) to
4. RANK! E’S SHOPS to the railway line. Enjoy a snack or a beer in the play professional football (in England).
Oldest shops in Attendgeville, dating from the ambience of real township music
late 1940’s. 23. MADIBA KWENA
13. SS MEND1 MEMORIAL This skeleton of a beer hall dating from the early
5. AME CHURCH (‘EBENEZER TEMPLE’) 607 block soldiers of the South Afncan Native 1970s stands as a solitary memorial of the
Powerful Afncan ornamental design by famous Labour Corps drowned on 21 February 1917 Struggle for a Democratic South Africa. Viewed
architect Gerard Moerdijk and inaugurated on 4 when their transport ship, the SS Mcndi, was as symbols of oppression, this and other beer halls
September 1955. The AME was established in rammed at full speed by the SS Darro in thick in Attendgeville were burnt down about 1985.
Pretoria by Reverend Mangena M Mokone in mist in the English Channel dunng World War I.
1892. Many of the soldiers came from the Attendgeville 24. ATT ERIDGEVILLE CEMETARY Grave of
area. Emma Sathege
6. UNITING REFORMED CHURCH First victim of police brutality dunng the 1984-
The church tower is a salient feature of this area 14. FIRST SAULSVILLE HOUSES Houses at school upnsmgs. Emma was tragically dnven over
and one of the two prominent church spires that this comer were built by white owners who lived by a not police vehicle during a police charge at
grace Attendgevilie's hills. here dunng the 1930s and 1940 before Saulsville the David Helen Peta School. Grave of Titus
Designed by the well known architect Herman was proclaimed a black area m 1949. Dladla Titus Dladla. born in 1963, together widi
Vermooten, the building was completed on 11 two odier MK cadres, was ambushed by the
May 1947. 15. SAULSVILLE ARENA Landmark and secunty forces of the apartheid regime in 1982
popular entertainment centre from the 1960s that Secretly buned at m the Mpumalanga Province,
7. HOFMEYR HIGH SCHOOL (Now was recently revamped (opened 8 October 1999). they were re-interred at Attendgeville on 14
Mathabathc Higher Primary School) It provides numerous cultural and general December 1997.
First secondary school in Attendgeville, named community services such as a new library under
after Mr WH Hofrneyr, Chairman of the Native one roof. 25. ZODWA CENTRE Established through
and Asiatic Affairs Committee dunng the 1930s. community efforts and volunteers in 1982, this
It opened in Attendgeville in 1941. Prominent 16. SAUSLVILLE RAILWAY STATION A centre cares for and trains people with mental
people educated here were Adv Dtkgang piece of a lively Afncan open-air market can be disabilities in vanous degrees. For a visit, phone
Moseneke, Dr PL Tsele, Adv Kutumela and Mr experienced at this comer. All sorts of indigenous (012) 373 9121.
Ken Temba. types of meat and vegetables are offered for sale,
combining into a colourful assemblage. 26. EKHAYA EPITOU (121 Thindisa Street)
8. SWISS MISSION PRESBYTERIAN This very popular shebeen and jazz centre is run
CHURCH 17. SAULSVILLE HOSTELS by Mr Statue Mojapelo. A must for every visitor
First church built in Attendgeville and an The first hostels in Saulsville were completed m that appreciates the taste and sounds of Afnca.
architectural jewel. The building was completed 1957. Hostels housed thousands of male workers For bookings: (012) 373 8468
on 22 February 1942. The original congregation at industries such as ISCOR. The detnmental
was composed mostly of Shangaan- and Tsonga- effect of hostel life on black families caused them 27. HOUSE OF ADV D1KGANG MOSENEKE
spcakingChnstians. to become symbols of economic and social (105 Thindisa Street)
oppression by the apartheid government. Advocate Dtkgang Moseneke made name as
9. MBOLEKWA SPORTS GROUNDS AND attorney that handled race-related cases dunng
RUGBY GROUND 18. MITAH NGOBENI BUS TERMINAL the apartheid days. After serving a 10-year
Named after Mr Cronje B Mbolekwa, politician Modem bus terminal named after three-year old sentence on Robben Island he became a
and Chairman of the Bantu Advisory Board Mitah Ngobeni who was killed at this comer by parliamentarian and Chairman of the Board of
dunng the 1940s. The oldest soccer club was police fire dunng the uprisings in 1985. Telkom.
Black Jacks from which came the Attendgeville
Home Stars and the Chelsea Club. 28. KALAFONG HOSPITAL
ARY Grave of Jan Shoba
One of the large hospitals that were built for
Rugby was played mostly by people coming from First APLA Commander from Attendgeville to blacks m Pretona. It was opened in 1974.
the Eastern Cape, also mostly policemen, in die and be buned in this cemetary. His
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Heritage & History Foundation Page 18 March 2023 Issue 1
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