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Discover Pheli People , Places and Culture                                                                       History

                                              ABOUT AHHF

                 ATTERIDGEVILLE HERITAGE AND       white se lers in the 1830s. By   The Na ve Laws Amendment Act of
                 HISTORY FOUNDATION                conquest and expansion,          1937 prohibited Africans from
                                                   indigenous people were displaced.   owning land in urban areas and
                 CELEBRATING THE 83rd              The Na ve Land Act passed in 1913   ended the possibility of  the
            LETTER  dras cally restricted black people                              expansion of freehold in townships
                 ITS HISTORY AND HERITAGE.         to access to land. From that  me   including Lady Selborne, Eastwood,
            FROM                                   was curtailed and by the  me the   and this helped accelerate
                                                                                    Highlands, Eersterus and Riverside
                                                   onwards, African land ownership

                 The A eridgeville  Heritage and
                                                                                    overpopula on which in turn
                                                   Na onal Party was voted into
                 History Founda on in partnership
                 with various stakeholders will be   power in 1948, a plethora of   created a squa er crisis in
                 celebra ng the 83rd anniversary of    legisla on applied racially   Marabastad, Bantule and Mooiplas
                 A eridgeville, one of the oldest   discriminatory restric ons both in   hence the proclama on of
                 townships  in the country through a   rural and urban areas.       A eridgeville being established on
                 range of ac vi es to get clear                                     the farm, Elandsfontein as a
                 insights on the social and poli cal    The implica ons of the Na ve Land   loca on in 1939 and expanded to
                 history by capturing community    Act  (Act 27 of 1913 was to:     Saulsville in 1949.
                 narra ves on the following
                 ques ons: Who are we? How did     -              Separate whites and   Though A eridgevile was
                 we become and what makes us       Africans in rural and urban areas;   proclaimed a loca on in 1939, the
                 who we are today.                 -              Freeze exis ng tribal areas   first residents started  their
                                                   and stop Africans  from acquiring   occupa on on  26 May 1940 and
                 The other main objec ve is to     land outside these areas;        the removal of people from
                 communicate to future genera ons   -              Force Africans to become   Marabastad and  Lady Selborne was
                 and visitors from other parts of the   landless nomads forced to migrate   only completed between 1950 and
                 world the history of this  area which   to urban areas.            1956 under the Bantu Rese lement
                 has always been best known for its                                 Act of 1954. Between 1940 and
                 warm rela onships, jazz, sports and   THE 1914-1918 WORLD WAR 1 AND   1949, only 1 500 houses were built
                 na y dressers - both men and      ITS CONTRIBUTION TO URBAN        in A eridgeville and development
                 women.                            SQUATTING.:                      was frozen between 1968 and
                                                                                    1978. This resulted in the
                 THE HISTORY OF ATTERIDGEVILLE     -The war created a big demand for   mushrooming of backyard shacks
                 AND WHY IT WAS BUILT OR           African labour in urban areas.   and overcrowding in the three-
                 DEVELOPED.                                                         roomed, four-roomed and five-
                                                   - This led to a popula on explosion   roomed houses.
                 A phase in the history of         in Marabastad, Pretoria and
                 Atteridegeville passed with the   subsequently resulted in a cri cal   As a solu on to the overcrowding
                 death of Mrs Pat Eybers in June   housing shortage.                situa on, the Bantu Rese lement
                 1989.                                                              Act of 1954 was used to encourage
                                                   WAS ATTERIDGEVILLE THE           residents to move out the loca on
                 Mrs Eybers , known to many old    CREATION OF MRS ATTERIDGE ?      to Mabopane and Soshanguve
                 Pretorians as Myrtle Pat A eridge,                                 nearby.
                 served the capital as a city      Under the Na ve (Urban Areas) Act
                 councillor and deputy mayor.      1923 local authori es gained power   The first resident to move to
                                                   to :                             A eridgeville included traders,
                 For many years she acted as the   -              Demarcate and establish   professionals like teachers and
                 chairperson of the then Na ve     townships on the outskirts of white   employees from the City Council of
                 Affairs Department and history has   urban and industrial areas;    Pretoria whose history is restored
                 it that it was through her        -              Determined access to   in the naming of streets, schools
                 involvement in the fight for the   funding these areas;             and other ins tu ons a er them.
                 development of the township west   -              Provide housing for those   They include Maraba, Nduna and
                 of Pretoria  that A eridgeville was   Africans not in loca ons     Moroe streets , Mboweni Primary
                 named a er her. This would seem   (employers/ local authori es);   School, Mangena Mokone Primary
                 that A eridgeville was developed   -              Determine beer brewing   School, Dr WF Nkomo Secondary
                 as a result of goodwill and not as a   and trading rights in loca ons;   School, Bud Mbelle Primary School,
                 result of racial discrimina on and   -              Establish separate revenue   Flavius Mareka Secondary School to
                 segrega on  which were the        circuits  (revenue from fines, fees   name but a few.
                 integral components of the South   and rent) for maintenance and
                 African history since the arrival of   improvements of these loca ons.

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