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Discover Pheli People , Places and Culture                                                                       History

           In celebra ng the history and the   A eridgeville also had a large
           75th anniversary of A eridgeville   number of jazzophiles like Bra   Lastly though we need to honour all
           we saw it fit to honour people or   Bruce "Mandae" Nyatlo, music     the A eridgeville-Saulsville
           residents who contributed to the   group, Soul Fingers, Jazz band Four   residents who played a role in
           life in A eridgeville through sports   Sounds, singer, Audrey Motau and   making the area a peaceful
           and culture, educa on, poli cs,   trombonist, Bra Verbs. We also    township - a place full of  love,
           health, media and other ac vi es.   honour wellknown radio presenter   laughter, music, and above, all-
                                             Bob Mabena.                       lekker lewe.
           We honour greats like the late
           Kenneth Lebethe, Edgar Dassie, Bra   In the poli cal field we will always   All these will culminate in a book
           Joe Latakgomo, Bra Elliot Makhaya,   remember greats like the Brander   capturing the history of  this
           Kga  Sathekge, Patrick Hlahla,    brothers,  Ja a Masemola, Dr WF   beau ful and one of the cleanest
           Thomas "TK" Kwenaite,  Monk       Nkomo, Isaac Moroe, Dr Matseke,   towns around the country.
           Nkomo within the media fraternity.   Naboth Mokgatle, Nimrod Boyce
                                             Tantsi , Hora o Budlwana, "Bud"
           We also honour greats like AB     Mbelle, Jus ce Dikgang Moseneke,
           Mount, who served as school       Mark Shinners, Thabo Sehume,
           principal at Walton Jameson       Patrick " Let them dance" Molala to
           Primary, Dr WF Nkomo, a world     name but a few.
           renown medico, Mr Masiuana, a
           school inspector, Mr Huma, Mrs    During the 1976 school uprisings  in
           Tatane, Mr TP Mathabathe, Mr      A eridgeville, we have to honour
           Ntja, Mr Sam                      and remember leaders like
           Moseneke and Mr Mbobo - all       Desmond Kganyago, Brian Maori,
           within the teaching sector not    Kiwi Khabe, Titus Mafolo, Aubrey
           forge ng a number of other great   Mmutle, Oupa Masuku, Vincent
           teachers whose names are not      "Frelimo" Chere, Strike Moroane,
           men oned.                         Papi Leapetswe Molotsane, Irene
                                             and Arthur,Phalatsi, Stola Mamabolo,
           In soccer we had some of the best   Tshepo Molai, Tshepo Motlana, Post
           soccer sides in the country : Home   Molepo, Kgomotso Malaya , Jakie
           Stars, Black Jacks, Methodist, Huns   Masemola ,Ditshego and many more.

           Spor ng, Bantule Callies, Spa
           Sporing, Vultures, Iscor Blue Birds,   During the 1980s, COSAS, Saulville
           New Madrid, Transvaal Braves and    A eridgeville Youth Organisa on,
           City Rocks. These clubs produced   Azapo , and the A eridgeville
           the best talent in the township   Saulsville Resident Organisa on
           including Steve " Kalamazoo"      played a very significant role in the
           Mokone ( who traded his talents for   shaping of A eridgeville's socio-
           Home Stars before playing         poli cal landscape and the broader
           overseas), Peter " Shaluza" Sello,   na onal libera on which
           Johny "Con nental" Kekana, Lexi   culminated in the unbanning of our
           "Magic Feet" Mothabela, Lucas     libera on movements, the release
           "Masterpieces Moripe, Skipper     of poli cal leaders and the historic
           Moeng, Seth Stopper Seopela,      na onal elec ons in 1994. During
           Gideon Madopi, Goodman " Benny    that era, A eridgeville produced
           Kusasa" Kgatle, Bucks Diale and    leaders like Andrew Phala, Sam
           Domidomi Dassie Mohale John       Morotoba, Deacon Mathe, the
           Mohale and other noted football   Lekgoro brothers, Tope Mogashoa,
           greats who used to grace our local   Ma hew Sathekge, Anries Mapetla,
           football fields.                   May Ledwaba, Kgomotso Mokoka,
                                             Tro ers Magwaza, Reeves Mabi si,
           In athle cs we had greats like Ntate   Dr Abe Nkomo, Mmae Mphahlele,
           Maputle, his son Nale, Wewe       Mme Madisha  Mme " Magogo"
           Setlhako, Lazarus Mampane, Rosina   Kototsi, Matome "Pharaphara"
           Sedibane and Sydney Maree.        Mothupi , Ronnie Mamoepa, Thabo
                                             Sehume,  Ramano Dau, and many
                                             other  leaders in our community.

        We bring heritage , history and culture to life
                                                            Heritage & History Foundation   Page 6   March 2023   Issue 1
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