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Discover Pheli People , Places and Culture                                                                       History


              A eridgeville was established in
              1939 as a model township—the
              pride of Pretoria. It is said to be one
              of few of the older townships in the   Environment
              country that was named a er a
              person, and that while the person   The desert-like aridity of a typical
              was s ll alive: Mrs Myrtle Patricia   township like A eridgeville
              A eridge (1900-1979), a City   contrasts sharply with the garden
              Councillor (Deputy Mayor in 1939—  environment which whites
              the first woman to hold that   permi ed themselves but denied to   developed in the halls and
              posi on in Pretoria) and                                         shebeens of A eridgeville, for
                                           blacks in the past.
              chairperson of the Na ve and                                     which the township is s ll known.
              Asia c Affairs of the City Council
                                           Before the 1980s townships in
              and a variety of women's                                         Some of the venues where ar sts
                                           South Africa were officially
              organisa ons.                                                    like Hugh Masekela and Miriam
                                           regarded as convenient temporary
                                           labour reservoirs, therefore black   Makeba performed were the
                                           communi es, being transient, did    Polyclinic Hall at the old circle (now
                                           not qualify for municipal services    Ramohoebo Square) and the Old
                                           common to white areas. Only         Beer Hall. Music has played a
                                           minimal facili es, such as          mayor role in the cultural life of
                                           rudimentary roads and water, were   townships. It was o en combined
                                                                               with reading of poetry, dance and
                                           provided. Electricity and sewerage
            Born in Queenstown and trained as                                  ac ng. During the apartheid days
                                           were installed later. This was
            a teacher, she was a staunch fighter                               this integrated art form served as a
                                           A eridgeville's condi on for more
            for women's issues and a supporter                                 medium of pu ng across messages
                                           than forty years a er its
            of equity in the 1930s society of                                  for resistance and mobilisa on.
                                           establishment in 1939.
            Pretoria. Her fight for equal rights   Tree plan ng in Pretoria streets
            for all people (living wages for
                                           began as early as 1905; the city's
            blacks, feeding schemes,       jacaranda splendour is known
            compulsory primary educa on, free   world-wide. The city was awarded
            medical service, free entrance to   the status of Garden City of the
            universi es, freehold tenure in   World in 1996. Twenty years ago
            townships and the removal of the   this would have been unthinkable,
            infamous 'colour bar') earned her   the suburbs had trees, the
            the respect of the city's black   `loca ons', apart from individual
            residents. One of her achievements   effort, had none. Only a few of the   The Polyclinic itself dates from
            was si ng A eridgeville on     main roads in the townships were    about 1947 and was well designed
            Townlands, which was closer to the   tarred or planted with trees. Water   for its purpose. During the 70s a
            Pretoria employment and shops,   was scarce, obtained from a      new hospital, Kalofong, was built
            and not, as originally intended, on   common standpipe in the street, a   just outside of the boundaries of
            the farm Elandsfontein 352 JR,   number of houses sharing one. The   A eridgeville.
            which was further out of town.   watering of own gardens was not
                                                                                 Nearby is the Old Hofmeyr High
            Mrs A eridge was far ahead of her   practical and trees in most streets   School, the first high school in the
             me in apprecia ng the inefficiency   did not exist. In addi on, inefficient   township. It was later used as
            and waste of the migrant labour   and inadequate transport for blacks   Mathabathe Primary School, and
            system. Many of her ideals are   forced workers to leave before light   therea er as
            being realised since the end of   and arrive home a er dark. This   Teachers' Centre. The current
            apartheid in 1994.             created an austere, uncreative     Hofmeyr High School is in Mafole
                                           township environment. What         Street, more to the west.
            In the winter of 1939 Mrs A eridge   greenery there existed was due to
            organised a soup kitchen for black   the personal exer ons of residents.
            children, the first, it is said, of its
            kind in South Africa. In the same   Local culture
            year the provisional name      The people who se led in
            ‘Motse Mogolo' was replaced by   A eridgeville brought a rich culture
            `A eridgeville' in recogni on of her   with them from the squa er
            efforts when the township was   se lements around Pretoria. Living      METHODIST CHURCH Dramatic
            officially opened on 5 August 1940.   under stressful condi ons brought   expression in red bnck and a landmark next to
                                                                              Seeiso Street Park. Comer stones laid on 30 June
            She was always known in the    the best out of them, also in the   1946. The church was built mostly with bricks
            townships as 'Mma Batho' (The   cultural field. A lively jazz culture   brought stone for stone from the demolished
            Mother of the People).                                            church building in Marabastad.

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