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Somerville, MA) then printed. Figure 5 re-  ers themselves.  However  there  are  cur-  Arthur Volker, DDS, MSED,
        veals the completed models from the print-  rently some issues with direct printing such   FAGD graduated from Co-
        er (Form 2). The models were then further  as control of aligner thickness. 5           lumbia University School
        processed using an iso-propyl alcohol wash                                              of Dental and Oral Sur-
        and LED light cure. Figure 6 demonstrates  When  the  patient  returned  to  the  office,   gery and completed a gen-
        a post-cured model.                  composite  buttons were placed  as pre-            eral practice  residency  at
                                             scribed  by the  lab  (Figure  9). Figure  10      the New York Hospital of
                                             demonstrates the fit of the aligner intraorally.   Queens.
                                                                                   Dr. Volker  lectures nationally  and interna-

                                                                                   tionally on topics such as cosmetic dentist-
                                                                              Angel De Leon is a Dental Lab Technician for Emperia Lab. With
                                                                                   ry, minimally invasive dentistry, and dental
                                                                              his background in technology, Angel specializes in CAD/CAM
                                                                              equipment learning the functions of both hardware and software
                                                                                   materials.  He is an instructor  for both  the
                                                                              related to dental lab operation. Angel has a high focus on the
                                                                              quality of his work and the desire to learn more. Along with the

                                                                                   Center of Esthetic Excellence as well as The
                                                                              technical work in the lab, Angel also has experience with patients
                                                                              and knows the importance of good chairside manners as he
                                                                              works side by side in office with doctors like Dr. Volker to get more
                                                                                   Bioclear Learning Center. Additionally, Dr.
                                                                              personalized cases done right whether about function or esthetics
                                                                              for patient satisfaction.
                                                                                   Volker has authored articles and book chap-
                                                                                   ters on various dental topics. He practices at
        Figure 6. Properly post-cured model.                                       Dent-Care Dental in Sunnyside, Queens.
        Once all models were printed and cured, a   Figure 9. Composite buttons placed on      Angel De Leon is a Den-
        positive pressure thermo-forming machine   anterior teeth.                             tal  Lab Technician  for
                                                                                               Emperia Lab. With  his
        (MiniSTAR, Great Lakes Dental Technol-                                                 background in technolo-
        ogies, Tonawanda, NY) was used to create                                               gy,  Angel specializes in
        the clear aligners (Figure 7). The aligners                                            CAD/CAM      equipment
                                                                                               learning  the  functions  of
                                                                                               both hardware and soft-
                                                                                   ware related to dental lab operation. Angel
                                                                                   has a high focus on the quality of his work
                                                                                   and the desire to learn more. Along with the
                                                                                   technical work in the lab, Angel also has ex-
                                                                                   perience with patients and knows the impor-
                                                                                   tance of good chairside manners as he works
                                             Figure 10. Clear aligner fitted onto the arch.
                                                                                   side  by  side  in  office  with  doctors  like  Dr.
                                             Conclusion                            Volker to get more personalized cases done
                                             The  implementation  of  the  3D printer  to   right whether about function or esthetics for
                                                                                   patient satisfaction.
                                             print models for clear aligner therapy is a
                                             cost-effective  way  to  introduce  in-office
                                             digital  dentistry.  When  compared  to the
        Figure 7. Positive pressure thermo-form-  laboratory  fee  of treating  a  patient  with
        ing machine used to fabricate aligners.  aligners from a large-scale clear aligner
                                             company, 3-4 cases will typically cover the
        are made from an ethylene-propylene poly-  cost of the printer, printer resin, lab STL
        mer (Invisacryl, Great Lakes Dental Tech-  fee and polymer materials, yielding a rapid
        nologies) (Figure 8). Note that this is the  ROI, as well as provide the patient with a
                                             valuable service.

                                             1. The National Association of Dental Labora-
                                             tories. The Numbers are In. Journal of Dental
                                             Technology. 2021 May;38(5):2.
                                             2. The National Association of Dental Labora-
                                             tories. Type Trends. Journal of Dental Technol-
                                             ogy. 2020 May;37(8):8.
                                             3. Maspero C,  Tartaglia  GM.  3D Printing of
                                             Clear Orthodontic Aligners: Where We Are and
                                             Where We Are Going. Materials (Basel). 2020
                                             Nov 18;13(22):5204.
                                             4. Tartaglia GM, Mapelli A, Maspero C, Santa-
        Figure 8. Formed aligner ready to be   niello T, Serafin M, Farronato M, Caprioglio A.
        trimmed.                             Direct 3D Printing of Clear Orthodontic Align-
                                             ers: Current State and Future Possibilities. Ma-
        same method used to fabricate clear align-  terials (Basel). 2021 Apr 5;14(7):1799.
        ers by large-scale clear aligner orthodontic   5. Edelmann A, English JD, Chen SJ, Kasper
        companies. Future applications are leaning   FK. Analysis of the thickness of 3-dimension-
        towards the direct 3D printing of the align-  al-printed  orthodontic aligners.  Am J Orthod
                                             Dentofacial Orthop. 2020 Nov;158(5):e91-e98.
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