Page 23 - REVISED GP Fall 2021 - ready for posting
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for placement with temporary cement and was very interesting to go back in time and James R. Keenan DDS,
observed regularly over a six-month peri- to observe the early developments in the MAGD is a Clinical As-
od. If follow-up radiographs demonstrated field of oral implantology and to appreciate sistant Professor at New
satisfactory results, prefabricated copings the concepts and approaches that our prede- York University College
were placed, and the permanent restoration cessors presented to the profession. As with of Dentistry, Department
placed. Radiographs six months after place- any other manmade device, we cannot state of Oral Maxillofacial Pa-
ment of the insert and one year after place- that implants have been perfected, but we thology, Radiology and
ment of the restoration were taken. can state that they have been enhanced to Medicine. He is also the
be more user friendly, predictable, and suc-
Fifty-five years have passed since Dr. Trat- cessful in their applications. Academic Director: Special Patient Care
tner’s article and I believe it would be fair Rotation at the NYU Oral Health Center
to say that our generation of dentists is for- At the conclusion of his article, Dr, Trattner for People with Disabilities. He is in pri-
tunate to have the materials, instruments, commended the developments in the field of vate practice in Brooklyn, NY.
equipment, and technology over that span implantology by Drs. Chercheve, Linkow,
of time which enable us to perform a mul- Lee, and many others for their pioneering
titude of dental procedures daily across efforts. Although Dr. Trattner’s Heli-Coil
multiple disciplines. For those of who Implant system never established itself in
have been practicing for a sufficient time, everyday practice, we can certainly applaud
we have probably witnessed the transition his efforts in contributing to the develop-
from paper to electronic record keeping and ment of oral implantology.
prescription writing, film to digital radiog-
raphy along with 3D imaging, amalgam to References
resin restorations and multi-step to single 1.Trattner GG. The two-piece Heli-Coil endosse-
step bonding, manual to rotary endodontics, ous implant; a new concept in implant dentistry.
metal wire and bracket to clear aligner or- The Journal of Oral Implant and Transplant Sur-
thodontics, and multiple unit fixed bridges gery. 1966;12:47-54.
to implant-supported restorations for partial tal-book/2824/Vent-plant-endosseus-implants.
edentulism. Implants have evolved signifi- Last access 07/12/2021.
cantly over time and continue to do so. It
OCTOBER 10, 2021 • 9:00AM TO 1:00PM
This is a program about real dentistry for real people by a real dentist! Dr. Glazer will present a pot-
pourri of materials and techniques that will make your day at the office easier, more productive and
Profile: fun! Designed for doctors and staff, this unique program will discuss what’s tried and true, and what’s
Dr. Howard Glazer new. Learning about the latest products will benefit you and your patients. Dr. Glazer, international
Dr. Howard Glazer, lecturer and author, writes a monthly column by the same title for AGD Impact magazine, and reviews
international author and new products and materials on a regular basis for his column. Topics may include: Composites, Ad-
lecturer, is a Fellow and hesives, Whitening, Oral Cancer Prevention, Minimally Invasive Materials & Techniques, Impression
Past President of the and Provisional Materials, Rotary Cutting Instruments, Lasers, Matrix Bands, Curing Lights, Artificial
Academy of General Dentine, Patient Communication Tools, practice management tools, digital impressions and Cements.
Dentistry, and former OBJECTIVES:
Assistant Clinical 1. To learn the different types of materials in various product categories
Professor in Dentistry 2. To understand the concept of Biomimicry
at the Albert Einstein 3. To learn what is faster, easier and better
College of Medicine. 4. To be able to understand the merits of when and where to use a product/material
He is a Fellow of
the American and New York AGD is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of
International Colleges of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are
Dentists and a Diplomate accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval
does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of
of the American Board of approval extends from 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2022. Provider ID # 219318
Aesthetic Dentistry.
Location Course tuition Course code & To Register
West Side Jewish Center Members: $30 credit hours Visit our website.
347 West 34 Street Non-members: $60 Course Code: 010 Members login: six digit AGD
New York, NY 10001 AGD Resident/ 4 MCE Credit Hours number
New Dentist: $25 Password: nysagd l Fall 2021 l GP 23