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                                                                                    Upcoming Courses for 2022

                        New York Academy of General Dentistry                        In-Person - ACLS Re-Certification
              CE CoursesWinter 2021 • Go to to Register               Webinar – X-Ray Regulations and
                                                                                            Radiation Safety
                      October 10, 2021   In-Person   New York, NY
                                 I have It…You Need It                              Webinar – NYS Mandatory Infection
                                   Dr. Howard Glazer
                            347 W. 34  Street, New York, NY                           Webinar – NYS Mandated 3hr
                   9:00 am to 1:00 pm, 4 MCE Credit Hours, Code: 010                  Opioids and Pain Management
                     $30.00 Members/Staff, $60.00 Non-Members                         Webinar – NYS 12hr Mandated
                                                                                         Sedation and Anesthesia
                         November 6 & 7, 2021           In-Person
                      Empire State MasterTrack - Whitestone, NY                        In Person – CPR/BLS for the
                                 Fixed Prosthodontics                                      Healthcare Provider
                                   Dr. Siamak Najafi                                        Webinar - Sexual
                       NYSAGD Learning Center, Whitestone, NY                              Harassment Course
                             8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Both Days                            Webinar - Risk Assessment for
                           34 Participation Credits*, Code 490                         Medically Complex Patients
                       $500.00 Members, $ 600.00 Non-Members                         Webinar - Understand a Research
                       (*Case presentations at Spring ’22 program)                               Paper
                       December 8, 2021    Live Zoom Webinar                         In-Person - Empire MasterTrack:
                     Dentistry and the Chemically-Sensitive Patient                            Occlusion
                                  Glenna Chance, M.M
                   7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, 2 MCE Credit Hours, Code 130                  In-Person - Empire MasterTrack:
                                                                                           Removable Partial
                      $30.00 Members/Staff, $50.00 Non-Members l Fall 2021 l GP 40
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