Page 88 - 2021 AGD ADVOCACY
P. 88

History Part 5
               2012: The Global Literature and what the evidence says and doesn't say

               • The Kellogg Foundation paid American DPHs (Nash, Friedman, Mathu-Muju,
                   et al) to publish findings from all the global literature they could find about
                   dental therapists.

               • They claim there are 50+ countries with some form of dental therapists over
                   the last 50-95 years.

                              • Outcomes correlate to eliminating barriers to care by providing free care,
                                 on a regular basis, on school grounds, for school-age children. DTs value
                                 relates to cultural similarities, cheap training, and lower cost than
                                 training and hiring dentists. Without deployability, however, it never
                                 works out very well.
                              • After 50-95 years with DTs in their dental workforce, those 50 countries,
                                 continue to have pretty much the very same list of barriers to care and
                                 Access to Care issues for the same disadvantaged, underserved
                                 communities and populations as we do in the US.
                              • The overwhelming majority of DT's scopes of practice in those countries
                                 is aimed for treatment of school age children in school dental clinics.
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