Page 13 - GP fall 2023
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At this time, a panoramic radiograph was taken, which revealed a   The patient was given 300 mg of clindamycin immediately due
        large periapical radiolucency centered on the distal root of #31 but   to a poorly documented history of penicillin sensitivity, and the
        encompassing both roots (Figure 4). The lesion measured 10 mm   extraction  was  carried  out  without  complications.  During  the
        in diameter and overlapped the inferior mandibular canal.   extraction,  the  socket  was  irrigated  with  saline  until  clear  and
                                                                    inspected for extension of the infection. The inferior man-
                                                                    dibular nerve was observed, and 0.5 cc of osseous graft was
                                                                    placed with a resorbable membrane for socket preservation.

                                                                    The patient was released into the care of her physician with
                                                                    the alert for further investigation of Ludwig’s angina. The
                                                                    antibiotic course was completed, and the patient reported no
                                                                    symptoms on follow-up appointments.
                                                                    While the presentation of mandibular teeth with periapical
                                                                    radiolucency is a common occurrence in dental practice, it is
                                                                    often imaged only with standard 2-dimensional views. Fur-
                                                                    ther, patients are not often asked to reflect on neck, esophagus,
        Figure 4. Panorex.                                          and chest symptoms as part of an in-depth history. In many
        Taking  into  consideration  the  patient’s  history  of  anxiety  and   cases,  patients  may  not  associate  breathing,  swallowing,  or
                                                                    Figure 4.  Panorex.
        “something feels like it’s in my chest,” a CBCT was taken to   vague chest symptoms with a dental cause. Furthermore, phy-
                                    Figure 4.  Panorex.

        investigate the extent of the lesion (Figure 5). With this survey,   sicians may not suspect a dental problem if the patient appears

                                            the lingual plate of
                                    Figure 4.  Panorex.          to have a reasonably well-maintained dentition with no dental
                                                                 complaints. It is possible that many more cases of mandibular
                                            the mandible at the
                                            apices  of  #31  was   odontogenic infection could pass undetected for varying reasons.
                                            demonstrated to be
                                            perforated (Figures   Certainly,  the  advent  of  the  CBCT  has  provided  practitioners
                                            6-10). At this time,   with the additional imaging, which has the potential to identify
                                                                 these cases. Clinicians may consider that mandibular periapical
                                            a  diagnosis  of  ad-
   Figure 7.  Apex of the distal root of #31, sagittal section, showing cortical plate perforation.
                                                                 radiolucencies should be imaged with CBCT for a more accurate
                                            vanced apical peri-
                                            odontitis   caused   diagnosis and clinical staging.
                                            by necrotic pulpitis
         Figure 5.  CBCT Panoramic view.                         References
        Figure 5.  CBCT Panoramic view.     was made, and the    1. Saifeldeen K., Evans R.: Ludwig’s angina. Emerg Med J 2004; 21:
        patient was advised to extract the tooth and begin antibiotic treat-  pp. 242-243.
        ment. The option for root canal therapy was discussed, but it was   2. Burke, John.  Angina Ludovici, a Translation, Together with a Biogra-
        ruled out immediately due to financial considerations.
                                                                 phy of Wilhelm Frederick von Ludwig. Bulletin of the History of Medi-
     Figure 5.  CBCT Panoramic view.       Figure 7.  Apex of the distal root of #31, sagittal section, showing cortical plate perforation.
                                                                 cine; Baltimore, Md. Vol. 7, (Jan 1, 1939): 1115.
                                                                 3.  J  WASSON,  MRCS  (ENG),  C  HOPKINS,  FRCS  (ORL-HNS),  D
                                                                 BOWDLER, FRCS. Did Ludwig’s angina kill Ludwig? The Journal of
                                                                 Laryngology & Otology (2006), 120. doi:10.1017/S0022215106000806.
                                                                 4. Murphy SC. The person behind the eponym: Wilhelm Frederick von
                                                                 Ludwig (1790–1865). J Oral Pathol Med 1996;25:513–15.
                Figure 5.  CBCT Panoramic view.                  5. Barakate MS, Jensen MJ, Hemli JM, Graham AR. Ludwig’s angina:
                                                                 report of a case and review of management issues. Ann Otol Rhinol Lar-
        Figure 6. #31 CBCT sagittal view of the mesial root of #31.   yngol 2001;110.

                          Figure 7. Apex of the                               Dr. Joseph DiDonato, III  is in private  prac-
        Figure 6. #31 CBCT   distal root of #31,    Figure 8. Lingual         tice in Rochester, NY. He received his dental
        sagittal view of the   sagittal section, showing  cortical plate
                        Figure 7.  Apex of the distal root of #31, sagittal section, showing cortical plate perforation.

   Fig 8 Lingual cortical plate perforation                                   degree from New York University College of
     Figure 6. #31 CBCT sagittal view of the mesial root of #31.
                                           Fig 8 Lingual cortical plate perforation
        mesial root of #31.
                          cortical plate perforation. perforation.            Dentistry. He has served as President of the
                                                                              New York State Academy of General Dentistry
                                                                              and currently serves as treasurer.

                        Fig 8 Lingual cortical plate perforation

                Figure 6. #31 CBCT sagittal view of the mesial root of #31.
                                           Fig 9 marrow space right mandible and ascending ramus
            Figure 9. Marrow   Figure 10. Lingual cortical    Fig 10 Lingual cortical perforation

            space, right mandible  perforation.
            and ascending ramus.
                                                                             l Fall 2023 l GP 13
   Fig 9 marrow space right mandible and ascending ramus

                        Fig 9 marrow space right mandible and ascending ramus
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