Page 15 - GP fall 2023
P. 15

Are Dental Implants Advisable for Patients
                         with Osteoporosis Taking Oral Bisphosphonates?

             Authors: Diana Alomaja, Tara Byrd, DDS, Geri Robin, DMD, FAGD, and Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS, FAGD

        According to the Department of Health and  According to the American Association of  This review aims to focus on the impact of
        Human Services, osteoporosis is a progres-  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, an esti-  oral administration of the alkyl-amino bis-
        sive metabolic bone disease characterized  mated 30 million bisphosphonate prescrip-  phosphonate group because the patient in
        by  low  bone  density  and  deterioration  of  tions are written yearly in the United States  our case presented for dental care was pre-
        bone architecture that increases the risk of  and  more  than  190  million  are  written  scribed Alendronate  (Fosamax®;  oral,  70
        fractures. This  disease  is  known  to  cause  worldwide. 6              mg), which acts as an inhibitor of farnesyl
        a  deterioration  of  the  trabecular  network,                           pyrophosphate  synthase  (FPPS),  the  en-
        which may be related to changes at the tis-  The  mechanism  of  action  of  bisphospho-  zyme  that  plays  a  role  in  osteoclast  cell
        sue scale. Contrastingly, a study conduct-  nates  inhibits  bone  resorption  via  actions  processes, such as bone resorption. Alen-
        ed by Frank et al. suggests that the distinct  on  osteoclasts  or  osteoclast  precursors;  it  dronate is the most commonly prescribed
        changes in trabecular bone quality caused  decreases the rate of bone resorption, lead-  drug for treating postmenopausal osteopo-
        by  osteoporosis  and  aging  could  not  be  ing to an indirect increase in bone mineral  rosis and is associated with increased bone
        linked to suspected relevant changes in ma-  density. There  are  two  routes  of  bisphos-  mineral  density  and  fracture  risk  reduc-
        terial properties or tissue mineralization.  1  phonate  administration:  oral  and  intrave-  tion. 16.
                                             nous (IV). Oral absorption is poor, but the
        Bone is made of 35% osteoid, and its hard-  skeleton rapidly absorbs the drug and ex-  Since,  for  the  current  evidence,  a  risk  of
        ness is obtained from 65%  inorganic hy-  cretes it unchanged by the kidney.  7  adverse  events  or  side  effects  may  still
        droxyapatite. The adverse effects of osteo-                               be  present,  the  purpose  of  this  review  is
        porosis on healthy bone lead to osteoclasts  Oral manifestations of osteoporosis include  to  compile  the  evidence  available  on  the
        breaking down bone faster than the osteo-  systemic bone loss, which serves as a pre-  same  topic  to  assist  practitioners  in  deci-
        blasts can rebuild, lowering the bone mass  dictor  of  increased  risk  of  edentulism  in  sion-making,  particularly  for  the  patient
        over  time  and  increasing  fragility  (i.e.,  postmenopausal  women.  For  many  years  who is taking oral bisphosphonates.
        pathologic fracture).  Risk factors of oste-  the adverse oral effects of bisphosphonates
        oporosis  include  early  menopause,  eating  for which dentists were advised to include  Methodology- Search
        disorders, history of missed menses, family  osteonecrosis,  which  refers  to  necrotic  For clinical practice, well-constructed sys-
        history, celiac disease, irritable bowel dis-  bone, also called medication-related osteo-  tematic reviews and their unbiased results
        ease, and smoking. 2                 necrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). Factors that  are what clinicians are expected to read and
                                             increase the risk of bisphosphonate-related  apply into practice. However, when mul-
        According to Salari et al., as of 2021, the  osteonecrosis  of  the  jaw  include  patients  tiple systematic reviews exist on the same
        prevalence  of  osteoporosis  in  women  older than 65 years old, periodontitis, using  topic, it is difficult for practitioners to make
        worldwide is 23.1%. It is important to note  bisphosphonates for more than two years,  decisions and understand their differences
        that osteoporosis can occur in both sexes.  smoking, diabetes, and denture use.  8  and significance for practice. For the pur-
        However,  most  research  on  osteoporosis                                pose of this dilemma, we searched for the
        has focused on women because women are  A  common  database,  Lexicomp,  used  by  best available evidence on the current topic
        more likely than men to develop osteoporo-  dentists to search for medications, side ef-  in different databases.
        sis and subsequent fractures.  3     fects, and interactions, states that oral bis-
                                             phosphonates’ impact on dental treatment  The databases searched included: Pubmed
        The  Endocrine  Society  recommends  bis-  is  generally  associated  with  jaw  osteone-  and Epistemonikos - The search retrieved
        phosphonates, excluding ibandronate, as a  crosis.  9-11  However, it is known that most  16 systematic reviews from Pubmed and 35
        first-line  option  for  the  prevention  and/or  reported cases of MRONJ in patients tak-  articles from Epistemonikos. After remov-
        treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopaus-  ing  bisphosphonates  have  been  in  cancer  ing  the  duplicates,  we  selected  the  most
        al women. Bisphosphonates are analogs of  patients treated with IV  bisphosphonates.  relevant articles that matched our criteria.
        natural inorganic pyrophosphates required  There  have  been  reported  cases  of  post-
        to treat certain skeletal disorders, such as  menopausal  women  taking  oral  bisphos-
        osteoporosis.  The  primary  pharmacolog-  phonates  developing  MRONJ.  However,   Results:
        ical  action  of  these  drugs  is  to  suppress  the risk is low, with a prevalence of 0.1%. 12  Eleven  systematic  reviews  were  selected
        bone  resorption  by  inhibiting  osteoclast                              from the search, and meaningful outcomes
        function.  Bisphosphonates are categorized  What is known is that oral or intravenous   were extracted.
        into three groups: 1) non-nitrogenous bis-  bisphosphonate  use  history  is  not  an  ab-  A  tool  to  assess  each  review’s  validity
        phosphonates, 2) alkyl-amino-bisphospho-  solute  contraindication  for  dental  implant   and  relevance  was  used  for  appraisal.
        nates, and 3) heterocyclic nitrogen bisphos-  placement,  and  dental  implants  can  osse-  (Table 1).
        phonates.                            ointegrate successfully in this patient pop-        continued on next page
                                             ulation.  13-15
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