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Table 1  Table 1 Continued

 Articles/Authors  Number of studies  Medication use  Outcome- Author’s conclusions  Overall risk  Articles/Authors  Number of studies  Medication use  Outcome- Author’s conclusions  Overall risk
 analyzed in the review  of bias/Results  analyzed in the review                           of bias/Results
 Lemos 2023 19  12 studies  Oral and   No difference in implant survival between   Well-constructed systematic   Stavropoulos   24 studies with   Oral and   A low dose of oral BP intake for   Well-constructed systematic
 intravenous   patients with and without osteoporosis  review.  2018 25  bisphosphonate intake,  intravenous   osteoporosis treatment, in general, does not  review.
 bisphosphonates  OR 1.78 95% confidence interval (CI)  Overall high risk of bias in the   mainly low doses for   bisphosphonates   compromise implant therapy.
 0.86-3.70 p-value: 0.12.  included studies.  osteoporosis treatment:                      Overall high risk of bias in the
                                                          No statistically significant differences   included studies.
 Dental implants are a viable treatment   The data does not distinguish   were found in implant loss, bone levels, or
 option for rehabilitating patients with   between oral and intravenous use.   survival.
 osteoporosis.  de Medeiros, 2017 26 15 studies  Oral and   Implant survival rate at the patient level.  Well-constructed systematic
 Rebelo 2023 20  14 studies  Oral and   A high mean for failure- rate of implant   Well-constructed systematic   intravenous   It was found that 11 of 188 patients with   review.
 intravenous   osseointegration (49.96%) was found,   review.  bisphosphonates  osteoporosis presented implant failure
 bisphosphonates  regardless of the type of BPs used. The   Overall high risk of bias in the   (5.85% failure rate) and that 17 of 348   Overall high risk of bias in the
 failure rate was lower in patients using   included studies.  patients in the control group presented   included studies.
 second-generation BPs (Alendronate and                   implant failure (4.89% failure rate).
 Pamidronate).  The data does not distinguish
 between oral and intravenous use.                        The implant survival rate of 96.46% in
                                                          patients with osteoporosis.
 Sher, 2021 21  28 studies reporting on  Oral and   No substantial differences were observed   Well-constructed systematic
 bisphosphonates (BPs)  intravenous   between cases/controls, with an implant   review.  Ribeiro de Freitas   15 studies  Oral and   113 loss of implants (8.49%) in BP users   Well-constructed systematic
 bisphosphonates.  success rate ranging from  Overall high risk of bias in the   2016 27  intravenous   and 78 cases of osteonecrosis (14.77%).  review.
 92.9% to 100% for cases and 95.5% to   included studies.  bisphosphonates  Considering these data, it is reasonable
 100% for the controls.                                   to be cautious during implant surgery   Overall high risk of bias in the
 The data does not distinguish                            planning for patients undergoing   included studies.
 Combining the included studies,    between oral and intravenous use.   bisphosphonate therapy.
 the overall implant failure rate was                                                      The data does not distinguish
 2.8% (patients taking bisphosphonates)                   Implant loss exists, and it is more   between oral and intravenous use.
 for cases and 2.1% for controls (not taking              significant in patients under intravenous
 bisphosphonates).                                        bisphosphonate therapy.

       Walter 2016 28  50 studies         Oral and        Successful implant therapy is feasible in   The methodology of the review is
 Implant losses were more likely to occur in   intravenous   patients receiving antiresorptive treatment.  limited.
 the posterior maxillary region and shortly   bisphosphonates
 after placement.                                         No reliable parameters indicate implants’   High risk of bias.
                                                          success in patients with anti-resorptive
 The follow-up period after                               therapy.
 implant placement ranged from
 0.3 to 12.2 years.  Ata-Ali 2014 29  14 studies  Oral and   Dental implant placement in patients   Well-constructed systematic
                                          intravenous     receiving bisphosphonates does not reduce   review.
 A risk of MRONJ developing after implant   bisphosphonates  the dental implant success rate.
 placement in patients with a history of                                                   Overall high risk of bias in the
 bisphosphonates.                                         Summary odds ratio  OR =1.43 p-value   included studies.
 Chappuis, 2018 22  Of the 17 studies, 7   Oral and   The usage of oral BPs for the treatment   Well-constructed systematic
 focused on BP use   intravenous   of osteoporosis did not yield significance   review.  Madrid 2009 30  4 studies  Oral and   The placement of an implant may be   The methodology of the review is
 and implant failure/  bisphosphonates  when analyzing their impact on implant      intravenous   considered a safe procedure for patients  limited.
 success.  failure or survival.  Overall high risk of bias in the   bisphosphonate  taking oral BPs for  < 5 years.
 included studies                                                                          High risk of bias.
 Oral BP did not show statistical                         No BRONJ has been reported.
 significance results.
 Gelazious 2018 23  9 studies  Oral and   No significant differences in terms of the   Well-constructed review.  Conclusions  Practitioners  must  remember  that  dental  and the concern of MRONJ in bisphosphonate
 intravenous   success of implant placement.  The conclusions of the systematic reviews are  implants’ success and survival are influenced  patients, it is essential for dental practitioners
 bisphosphonates  Overall high risk of bias in the   similar concerning the use of dental implants  by many other factors that can affect implant  to critically assess the evidence available on
 For patients with oral BP therapy,    included studies.  in  patients  taking  oral  bisphosphonates..  osseointegration  and  stability.  A  thorough  the  osseointegration  of  dental  implants  in
 97%  of dental implant success.  From the results of the reviews, it seems that  medical history and review of systems are  patients taking bisphosphonate medications.
 Schmitt 2018 24  18 studies  Oral and   Implant survival rate ranged from 92.86%   Well-constructed systematic   oral  bisphosphonates  do  not  affect  dental  recommended  for  all  patients,  and  clinical  We  should  remember  that  dental  implants’
 intravenous   to 100%.  review.  implants’ success or survival. However, the  decision-making  and  risk  assessment  success  rate  and  survival  depend  not  only
 bisphosphonates  results should be interpreted cautiously due  should  be  made  on  a  case-by-case  basis  on using bisphosphonates but also on their
 Within the limits of this review, implant   Overall high risk of bias in the   to the nature of the study designs included  considering all possible factors in addition  systemic  health  status,  smoking  habits,
 treatment seems to be a valuable approach.   included studies.  in all the reviews (observational studies); no  to bisphosphonate therapy. 31  and bone characteristics, including quality,
       cause and effect can be established, only a                                quantity, and healing capability.
 Limitations for patients taking BP’s due to   possible association.   With the global use of oral bisphosphonates,
 a malignant disease.                       the widespread placement of dental implants,
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